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       M U S I C          T H E O R Y         O N L I N E
                     A Publication of the
                   Society for Music Theory
         Copyright (c) 1995 Society for Music Theory
| Volume 1, Number 4       July, 1995      ISSN:  1067-3040   |
  General Editor                          Lee Rothfarb
  Co-Editors                              Dave Headlam
                                          Justin London
                                          Ann McNamee
  Reviews Editor                          Brian Alegant
  Manager                                 Robert Judd
  Consulting Editors
	Bo Alphonce		   Thomas Mathiesen
	Jonathan Bernard	   Benito Rivera
	John Clough		   John Rothgeb
	Nicholas Cook		   Arvid Vollsnes
	Allen Forte		   Robert Wason
	Marianne Kielian-Gilbert   Gary Wittlich
	Stephen Hinton		   
  Editorial Assistant              Ralph Steffen
  All queries to: mto-editor@smt.ucsb.edu  or to
                         * * CONTENTS * *
AUTHOR AND TITLE                                 FILENAMES
1. Target Articles
David Loberg Code, Listening for Schubert's      mto.95.1.4.code.art [HTML version]
  'Doppelgaengers'                               mto.95.1.4.code1.gif
Lawrence Zbikowski, Theories of Categorization   mto.95.1.4.zbikowski.art
  and Theories of Music                          mto.95.1.4.zbikows1.gif
2. Commentaries
Thomas Demske, Reply to Richard Hermann          mto.95.1.4.demske.tlk
3. Reviews
John Cuciurean, Review of Mark Lindley's and     mto.95.1.4.cuciurean.rev
  Ronald Turner-Smith's *Mathematical Models of
  Musical Scales: A New Approach*
4. Announcements                                 mto.95.1.4.ann
   Sound Anthology--"Computer Music Journal" Volume 19 Compact Disc
   Electronic Journal Conference, Budapest Hungary
   ISCA International Conference on Computers and Their Applications
   History, Music, and the Arts in Germany and Austria, 1815-1848:
     Call for Papers
   Fourth International Conference on Music Perception and
     Cognition:  Call for Papers
   Music Theory Society of New York State:  Call for Papers
5. Employment                                    mto.95.1.4.job
   Chair in Music, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
   40% visiting lecturer/instructor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
   Visiting Assistant Professor (1 year), New York Universit
6. New Dissertations                             mto.95.1.4.dis
   Gadd, Robin N.  "Theorizing Musical Style." Univ. of Southampton,
     1997 (projected).
   Hafner, Everett.  "Time Divided." Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1995.
   Johnson, Russell W.  "Essais sur les Principes de l'Harmonie by Jean-Adam 
     Serre: An Annotated Translation." Florida State University, 1994.
   Lippus, Urve.  "Linear Musical Thinking." Univ. of Helsinki, 1995.
   McKee, Eric J.  "The Interaction of Tonal Structure and Phrase Structure 
     as an Aspect of Form in Tonal Music." Univ. of Michigan, School of
     Music, 1994.
   Powles, Jonathan C.  "Continuity and Discontinuity in the Music of 
     Stravinsky: Analysis: Theory and Meta-Theory." Univ. of Oxford
     (Liverpool), 1995.
   Rosenhaus, Steven L.  "Harmonic Motion in George Perle's Wind Quintet No.4."
     New York Univ., Dept. of Music and Performing Arts Professions, 1995
7. Communications
1.  Address Changes Around the Corner
2.  WWW Edition of the SMT Help Desk
3.  WWW Essay in MTO 1.4
4.  mto-talk
1.  Address Changes Around the Corner...
As MTO heads toward the end of its third year, some slight
changes in our addresses are about to take effect.  
Tom Heft, Unix System Programmer at Harvard, whose technical 
expertise brought SMT Networking on-line, will move to 
Brown University on August 1st.  He has been working with me 
to prepare for the transfer to boethius of all software and 
datafiles now on the HUSC and FAS machines at Harvard.  The 
bulk of the transfer will take place over the next few weeks.  
MTO subscribers will receive a notice about address changes.  
In brief, the changes are as follows:
a. New listproc address:  listproc@smt.ucsb.edu
for subscribing to MTO and mto-talk, for changing addresses, 
passwords, postponing mail, etc.
b. New mto-serv address:  mto-serv@smt.ucsb.edu
for retrieving MTO items and searching the MTO database
with our FileServer
c. New anonymous FTP address:  smt.ucsb.edu
for retrieving MTO items through anonymous FTP.  The
directory structure, as outlined in the current (though
soon outdated) MTO Guide will remain nearly the same:
pub/mto/docs (documentation and information files)
pub/mto/issues (containing subdirectories for all back issues of MTO)
pub/mto/software (MTO software)
[NOTE: the old directory paths included 'smt' after 'pub'.  The
new directory paths omit 'smt'.]
d. WWW addresses
The URLs for MTO remain the same since our WWW server has always
been on boethius:
MTO page:       http://smt.ucsb.edu/mto/index.html
Boethius page:  http://smt.ucsb.edu/boethius.html
SMT Help Desk:  http://smt.ucsb.edu/help/smt-help.html
  (see below regarding the new WWW edition of SMT Help Desk)
A revised edition of the MTO Guide will be announced once the
transfer is complete and all administrative software has been
tested.  Please bear with us if some glitches remain after testing.
Do not begin to use the new addresses yet.  A notice will be
broadcast once they take effect.  In case of problems, 
please contact me or the MTO Manager, Robert Judd:
MTO General Editor:  mto-editor@smt.ucsb.edu
MTO Manager:         mto-manager@smt.ucsb.edu
2.  WWW Edition of the SMT Help Desk
Recently, Patrick Shove, the SMT Help Desk Manager, prepared a Web
page with links to short documents on various procedures that are
important for MTO subscribers, e.g. how to change an address,
change a password, postpone and restart MTO mail delivery, etc.
The page also has a link for sending email to Shove in case of
problems.  Take a look at the new Help Desk page at the URL
http://smt.ucsb.edu/help/smt-help.html.  Send queries
and suggestions to Shove at: smt-help@smt.ucsb.edu.
3.  WWW Essay in MTO 1.4
MTO 1.3 contained a commentary, by William Rothstein, formatted
with HTML.  Rothstein provided ASCII text and I added some
basic HTML tags as a way of showing how an MTO essay might
look if formatted with HTML and viewed in a Web browser.  MTO 1.4
includes an essay formatted with HTML by the author, David Loberg 
Code ("Listening for Schubert's 'Doppelgaengers'").  Those who
have not yet tried out the Web should take this opportunity to
do so.  Robert Judd prepared a guide to WWW tools and to the
necessary steps for gaining access to the Web.  The document is
named www-tools.txt and is available in the MTO archive, in the
docs subdirectory.  (An HTML version is also available, at
http://smt.ucsb.edu/mto/docs/www-tools.html.)  At the fall
meeting of SMT in New York, MTO Co-editor, Ann McNamee, and mto-talk
Manager, Claire Boge, will give "live" demonstrations of multi-
media essays, integrating text, graphics and audio, as samples of 
how future MTO articles may look, *and* sound!  Those who
plan to attend the New York meeting should make time to be at
the special session devoted to networking in order to see
those demonstrations, and to get information and advice on
getting Web access.
4.  mto-talk
In comparison to past months, traffic on mto-talk has been sparse 
since the release of issue 1.3.  Hopefully, the two essays in 1.4 
will stimulate dialog and reactivate mto-talk, which is an important 
component of MTO.  One of the significant benefits of electronic 
publishing, and one which differentiates it from traditional 
publishing, is the speed of distribution, which allows immediate, 
interactive discussion among readers and authors.  mto-talk was 
established for just that purpose.  Claire Boge, mto-talk Manager, 
and I encourage subscribers to initiate and participate in 
discussions about the current and future articles.
All new MTO subscribers automatically become subscribers to 
mto-talk, and remain so unless they cancel their subscriptions.  
Those who have cancelled, but would now like to resubscribe, 
should send a message to the Harvard listproc address 
(listproc@husc.harvard.edu) with the following text in the body of 
the message:
subscribe mto-talk YourFristName YourLastName   [fill in your names]
After August 1, send the message to the new, boethius listproc 
address (listproc@smt.ucsb.edu).  We look forward to 
seeing your contributions to mto-talk!
Lee A. Rothfarb, General Editor
8. Copyright Statement
   1.  Retrieving MTO Items (with mto-serv, FTP, and through WWW)
   2.  Subscribing to MTO
   3.  Retrieving MTO Documentation
   4.  Queries and Communications
MTO FileServer
Items are retrieved by sending an email message to the MTO FileServer,
mto-serv, or through anonymous FTP (see below).  To use the FileServer,
send a message to one of the following two addresses:
	mto-serv@husc.harvard.edu	(Internet)
	mto-serv@husc.bitnet		(Bitnet)
Leave the "Subject:" line blank and as the body of the message include
the following lines (no personal letterheads or signatures!):
path YourEmailAddress	  (Bitnet addresses *must* include .BITNET)
send Item		  (specify item, as listed below)
send Item		  (additional "send" lines, if desired)
After the word "path," enter your full email address (Bitnet users
must include .BITNET).  Be *sure* to include the word "path" 
followed by a valid email address.  Without the "path" line, mto-serv 
will not know where to deliver requested items.  To retrieve items
from the *current* issue of MTO, after the word "send," replace "Item" 
with the one of the following options:
articles	(= main article[s])
gifs		(= musical examples)
reviews		(= review[s])
commentaries	(= commentaries on past MTO articles)
dissertations	(= dissertation listings)
announcements	(= announcements)
jobs		(= job listings)
package		(= all the above items, in a single package)
toc		(= current table of contents)
path john_doe@husc.harvard.edu
send package
Subscribers with restricted emailbox space should be careful when
using the "package" option.  A full issue of MTO, text and musical
examples, can be quite large and may "crash" an emailbox of limited
size.  It may be safer to request a few files at a time, and to remove
them from the emailbox before requesting more files.
For instructions on retrieving items from back issues, or complete 
back issues of MTO, consult the document "mto-guide.txt" (see below,
on retrieving MTO documentation).
MTO items may also be retrieved through anonymous FTP.  The site is: 
fas.harvard.edu).  Use "anonymous" as loginID and your email address 
as password.  Change to the directory pub/smt/mto (with the command: 
cd pub/smt/mto).  The file mto.current contains all items constituting 
the current issue; toc.current is the most recent table of contents.  
The individual items of the current issue have filenames that begin 
as follows:  mto.yy.v.i, where "yy" is the last two digits of the 
current year; "v" is the current volume number; and "i" is the current 
issue number (example: mto.94.0.6).  Refer to the MTO Guide for further 
MTO also has a World-Wide Web page.  The URL is:
Follow the links to the current or past issues.
To subscribe to MTO, send an email message to one of the following
"listproc" addresses:
	listproc@husc.harvard.edu	(Internet)
	listproc@husc.bitnet		(Bitnet)
Leave the "Subject:" line blank and as the text of the message include 
the following single line (no personal letterheads or signatures!): 
subscribe mto-list YourFirstName YourLastName
You will receive a message confirming your subscription.  Once the 
subscription is confirmed, to receive the MTO Guide send a message to 
one of the "listproc" addresses shown above, and as the body of the
message include the single line:  information mto-list
To cancel a subscription, send the following single line to one of the 
"listproc" addresses (not to mto-serv!):  unsubscribe mto-list
[NOTE:  Do not send email to the "listproc" addresses for anything
other than initiating and terminating subscriptions to MTO.  Further,
do not send email to mto-list@husc.  mto-list is solely for broadcasting
MTO to its subscribers, *not* for communication among subscribers, nor 
for retrieving MTO items (done with mto-serv), nor for communication
with the Editor (address above).  Please do not send mail to 
mto-list@husc, *nor* use a "reply" command on email distributed through 
Several MTO explanatory documents are available through mto-serv:
mto-guide.txt (the MTO Guide, also retrievable from "listproc")
   Instructions for
	a. subscribing to MTO
	b. retrieving MTO items (articles, reviews,
	   commentaries, musical examples, and figures)
	c. posting items in MTO (announcements, jobs, dissertations)
	d. searching the MTO database
   Guidelines for authors
   MTO editorial policy
   List of available software (IBM and Mac) for MTO
   subscribers, and instructions for retrieving the
   List of all files in the MTO archive (updated regularly)
To retrieve any of these documents, send an email message to one of 
the "mto-serv" addresses (not to the "listproc" addresses!), and use 
the format shown above ("path" line with full email address, and one 
or more "send" lines specifying the desired document[s]).  For example, 
to retrieve the document called "software.txt," address a message to 
mto-serv and as the body of the message include only the following two 
lines (no personal letterheads or signatures!):
path john_doe@husc.harvard.edu    (Bitnet addresses must include .BITNET)
send software.txt
send authors.txt		  (additional "send" lines for more items)
The words "path" (followed by an email address) and "send" (followed
by the desired item) *must* appear.
Send all queries and communications (announcements, letters to
the Editor, etc.) to one of the following addresses:
	mto-editor@smt.ucsb.edu or to
Copyright Statement
[1] *Music Theory Online* (MTO) as a whole is Copyright (c) 1995,
all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is
the owner of the journal.  Copyrights for individual items 
published in MTO are held by their authors.  Items appearing in 
MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be 
shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or 
discussion, but may *not* be republished in any form, electronic or 
print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and 
advance notification of the editors of MTO.
[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must
include the following information in a form appropriate to
the medium in which the items are to appear:
	This item appeared in *Music Theory Online*
	It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
	with whose written permission it is reprinted 
[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper 
form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its 
entirety, and no access fee is charged.  Exceptions to these 
requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, 
who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for 
Music Theory.