Music Theory Online

The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory

Volume 6, Number 2, May 2000
Copyright � 2000 Society for Music Theory

Editor's Message

Authors preparing submissions for Music Theory Online will be interested to know about another option for submitting articles, commentaries, or reviews, including any accompanying files. A web-based form is now available for uploading files directly through a web browser. From the MTO home page, click on the Submit Online link at the left side of the browser window and follow the instructions on the File Upload Form. It is still possible to submit files to the editor as email attachments or by FTP. Instructions are given in the Guidelines for Contributors. Thanks to Lee Rothfarb for developing the form.

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Eric J. Isaacson, Editor
Music Theory Online
Indiana University School of Music
1201 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Voice: (812) 855-0296
Fax: (812) 855-4936