Music Theory Online

The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory

Volume 6, Number 3, August 2000
Copyright � 2000 Society for Music Theory

Editor's Message

We are pleased to be able to offer another special "plenary reprint" issue of MTO--this time papers that were presented in March 2000 at the New England Conference of Music Theorists. I extend thanks to the scholars who participated in that plenary session and agreed to bring their discussion before this expanded audience. Thanks also to Deborah Stein for proposing the idea of publishing this diverse set of papers. It is the hope of both the MTO Editorial Board and the panelists that the topics raised in this issue will generate thoughtful and lively discussion on mto-list.

Please be reminded that one must be an MTO subscriber in order to post a message to the list.  If you are not officially subscribed to MTO, a button on this issue's Table of Contents will take you to the appropriate web page to do this (it's free!). Those who compose a more lengthy reply also have the option to submit that reply as a Commentary, to appear in the next issue.

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Eric J. Isaacson, Editor
Music Theory Online
Indiana University School of Music
1201 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Voice: (812) 855-0296
Fax: (812) 855-4936