Music Theory Online

A Journal of Criticism, Commentary, Research, and Scholarship

Volume 7, Number 2, April 2001
Copyright � 2001 Society for Music Theory

Editor's Message

[1] In this issue, Nicholas Cook offers an insightful essay that will make a significant contribution to the emerging literature on performance studies. Cook summarizes critically a wide range of views on the relationship between "text" and "performance." He concludes that music should not be viewed solely as process, or solely as product, but that product and process are "complementary strands of the twisted braid we call performance."  This leads to the argument that we should view music as a "script" rather than as a "text," and that rather than being concerned with music and performance, we should be considering music as performance.

[2] Reactions to Nicholas Cook's article can be shared in two ways.  The mto-talk email list is available to MTO subscribers (it's free) for online discussion of any MTO-related topic. Discussion of Nicholas Cook's article in the current issue is especially welcome. (This link will help you determine if you are a subscriber.)  To post to mto-talk, simply send an email message to Longer responses may be submitted for publication in the Commentary section of the next issue.  These should be formatted and submitted according to MTO's Author Guidelines.

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Eric J. Isaacson, Editor
Music Theory Online
Indiana University School of Music
1201 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405  U.S.A. 
Voice: (812) 855-0296
Fax: (812) 855-4936

prepared by
Eric J. Isaacson, Editor
Updated 18 November 2002