Volume 9, Number 4, October 2003
Copyright � 2003 Society for Music Theory

Editor's Message

[1] MTO volume 9.4 presents two articles on aspects of transformational theory, each supported with imaginative illustrations rendered in innovative graphic formats. Richard Cohn models parsimonious and transpositionally combinatorial relations among tetrachordal set-classes through three-dimensional graphic renderings in his article, "A Tetrahedral Graph of Voice-Leading Space." Readers can explore the four triangular faces of the tetrahedron in Cohn's Figure 10, a movable 3-D image in QuickTime VR format.

[2] In "Square Dance Moves and Twelve-Tone Operators: Isomorphisms and New Transformational Models," Nancy Rogers and Michael Buchler use moving diagrams in animated GIF format to illustrate analogies between the cyclic patterns of square dancing and pitch transformation in atonal music.

[3] We have prepared these articles in Adobe PDF format in order to better accommodate mathematical equations and figures. The pages "with frames" are optimized for viewing with a web browser. For readers that prefer to save the PDF files to disk, versions "without frames" are also provided. These files are intended to be read with the Adobe Acrobat application and include html links in the text for accessing figures and examples.

[4] Also provided in the issue are listings of recently completed dissertations, job opportunities, and general announcements.

[5] Submissions to MTO are welcome at any time. We encourage readers to post their reactions to this issue's articles and review. The mto-talk email list is available to MTO subscribers (subscription is free) for online discussion of any MTO-related topic. To post to mto-talk, simply send an email message to Longer responses may be submitted for publication in the Commentary section of the next issue. These should be formatted and submitted according to MTO Author Guidelines.

[6] All MTO volumes dating back to our first issue in 1993 can be accessed from the contents page at

Timothy Koozin, Editor      
Music Theory Online
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204

mto-editor@societymusictheory.or g
(713) 743-3318

prepared by
Tim Koozin, Editor
Updated 24 October 2003