Volume 11, Number 2, June 2005
Copyright ? 2005 Society for Music Theory



Calls for Papers

Conference Announcements

Journal-Related Announcements

Calls for Papers

Lyrica Society Bi-Annual Scholarly Papers Competition

Studying the interaction of words and music is central to understanding the relationship between art, the self, and society. Scholarly investigation of the myriad possible interrelations remains an indispensable tool in this pursuit.

The Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations is pleased to announce its first bi-annual Scholarly Papers Competition, 2006, for outstanding scholarly papers on a theme related to any interrelationship between words and music.


Two prizes of $500 will be awarded. They honor two revered scholars:
The Louis Auld Prize honors Lyrica's founder, an eminent scholar of French literature; The Isabelle Cazeaux Prize honors the Grande Dame of American musicology.


The competition is open to any interested author who is a registered member of the Lyrica Society. Registration will soon be available online. In the interim, candidates may register by U.S. Mail c/o Lyrica Society, Membership Secretary, Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Please include your contact addresses (street and e-mail), preferred phone number, academic affiliation, if any, and a check for $25 (USD). Lyrica's Membership Form may also be downloaded from the following weblink:

No additional registration fee is required for the competition itself.
The deadline for submission is September 1, 2005; results will be announced at the beginning of April 2006.


The scholarly paper should present significant research and conclusions on any aspect of the relations between words and music.

? Papers must be submitted either in WordPerfect or in MicroSoft Word
format. Ten (10) hard copies of the paper must be submitted in either WordPerfect or MicroSoft Word format. They should be double-spaced and not more than 7,500 words in length. A reasonable number of musical examples, charts, and other pertinent graphic illustrations are permissible.
? The paper's title and the name of its author should be provided on
a separate title page. To maintain anonymity for the judges, the author's name should not appear in the text itself.
? Only one submission per person will be accepted.
? The paper must be accompanied by a statement confirming that it has
not been previously published, nor accepted for future publication
? Previous oral presentation does not disqualify a paper.
? Papers will be judged particularly for significant advances in
research and conclusions that shed new light on topics related but not limited to the following:

African-American Studies o Ballad o Ballet o Broadway Musicals o
Cantata o Chanson o Chant o Drama o Ethnomusicology o Film
Music o Folk Song o Gender Studies o Historiography of
Word-Music Relations o Hymnody o Incidental Music o Lied o
Liturgical drama o Madrigal o Mass o Masque o Melodrama o
Minnesang o Motet o Morphology of Language o Music and
Literature o Music and Narrative o Musical Theater o Opera o
Operetta o Oratorio o Performance Art o Poetry o Popular Song
o Program Music o Recitation o Semiotics o Speech and Syntax o Song o Tone Poem o Texts in Translation

In other words, the intellectual/aesthetic boundaries of the text are as flexible as the mind can make them, as long as both words and music remain the focus.


In addition to the $500 prize, winners will be invited to read a twenty-minute version of the paper as part Lyrica's scholarly papers session at one of the following 2006 conventions: National Association of Teachers of Singing (July); American Musicological Society (October); Modern Language Association (December). Winners may choose at which convention they will present their paper. Travel stipends are currently under development.

The winning papers will be published in Ars Lyrica.

In addition to the two prizes, Honorable Mentions will be awarded to those papers deemed worthy of submission to the Editorial Board of Ars Lyrica for possible publication. Honorable Mentions will be announced in Lyrica's Newsletter and on the website.

Submission Procedure

Candidates must be registered members of the Lyrica Society.

There is no application fee for the competition.

Deadline for the submission of scholarly papers: September 1, 2005.

Entries and inquiries are to be submitted to:

Professor George D. Gopen
Chair, Lyrica Society Scholarly Papers Competition Duke University Department of English Box 90015 Durham, NC 27708-0015

Papers will not be returned.

Questions may be addressed to Professor Gopen at

For further information about the Society, please consult our current

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Conference on Musical Aesthetics


Call for Papers


Methods and Perspectives of Musical Aesthetics: Theory and History

Strasbourg, Palais Universitaire, 18-19 Novembre 2005

Organized by the Music Department, Universit? Marc-Bloch (Strasbourg, France,, and the Arts Faculty Research Centre "Approches contemporaines de la cr?ation et de la r?flexion artistiques" (EA 3402), in collaboration with the Music Department of the University of Pavia in Cremona (Italy)

Conference Organizer: Alessandro Arbo (UMB, Strasbourg)

Today the term "musical aesthetics" refers to a range of studies with different goals and orientations: from the examination of the way in which the music is perceived and evaluated as an objet sensible, to the interpretation of the connections of a political or social nature that such a musical work possesses, as much during the act of composition as at its reception, to the design of a philosophy of music. The aim of this conference is to explore the different ways to conceive the aesthetical argument drawing on the contribution of disciplines as psychology, semiotics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy of language, theory and history of ideas. Some questions to debate:
1) Musical aesthetics as general knowledge or as aesthetics of a particular repertoire
2) To what extent does musical analysis belong to aesthetics research?
3) Can musical aesthetics be considered as hermeneutics?
4) Description or evaluation of the musical work?
5) What are the problems raised by the conception of aesthetics as the history of ideas pertaining to music?
6) What are the criteria for the scientific legitimization of a musical aesthetics discourse?
7) Up to what point should aesthetics take emotion into consideration?

The official languages of the Conference are French, English, German and Italian. We welcome proposals for individual papers in the form of an abstract of 500-700 words accompanied by a short CV. Papers will be limited to a duration of 30?. There will be a publication of the proceedings of the Conference.
Postmark deadline: 15 June 2005

Proposals for papers should be sent to the following address:

Alessandro Arbo
Colloque ? M?thodes et perspectives de l?esth?tique musicale ? D?partement de Musique Universit? Marc-Bloch B?t. ? Le Portique ?
14 rue Descartes

Telephone/Fax +33 (0)3 88 15 72 80/ +33 (0)3 88 15 72 81 E-mail :

Application for financial support (travel or accommodation) should be sent before 15 June 2005. As funds are limited, we cannot guarantee to satisfy all demands.

Registration fee: ?15 (reduced fee: ?7 for students), to be paid to the Conference Secretary on 18 November.

The full programme will be announced by October 2005.

Practical information about hotel reservations, etc., can be obtained from the Secretary of the Music Department, Mme Chantal de Villeneuve (

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Music Theory Society of the Mid Atlantic

Call for Presentations:

Music Theory Society of the Mid Atlantic
Postmark Deadline:  November 1st, 2005

17-18 March 2006  Westminster Choir College

The Music Theory Society of the Mid-Atlantic will have its Fourth Annual Meeting at Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ on Friday, 17 March, beginning at 1:00 PM and concluding Saturday afternoon, 18 March Ellen Flint of Wilkes University is Program Chair, Joel Phillips is Local Arrangements Chair. All are invited to attend and also to submit seven-copied blind proposals with a postmark date of no later than November 1st, 2005 (early submissions are welcomed) to:

        Ellen Flint, Program Chair
        Music Theory Society of the Mid-Atlantic
        Wilkes University
        Department of Visual and Performing Arts
        84 West South Street
        Wilkes-Barre, PA   18766
The text of the proposals should be no longer than two pages and 500 words. Complete instructions are posted on the Society's web site (

If you would like to Chair a session, please email Professor Flint, Those wishing to serve the Society as President,Secretary or as Members of the Executive Board are invited to place their name in nomination with Eric McKee, The Pennsylvania State University, Chair, Nominations Committee to be received by January 1, 2006.

Those wishing to become members and have their names placed on the mailing list (there are no dues) are invited to contact Joel Phillips, Westminster Choir College,

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Popular Musics of the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds

Call for Papers

International Conference:

Popular Musics of the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds

14th-16th July 2006

University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Organised by Ian Biddle, Vanessa Knights and Mark Sabine

To be hosted by School of Modern Languages & International Centre for Music Studies, University of Newcastle in conjunction with the School of Modern Languages, University of Nottingham and The Sage Gateshead ( ).

Confirmed plenary speakers:

Salwa El-Shawan Castelo Branco (Instituto de Etnomusicologia, Lisbon) Timothy Mitchell (A&M University, Texas) David Treece (King's College, University of London)

Contributions are invited to the above conference which aims to bring together scholars from all over the world, in any discipline, working on popular musics from Hispanic and Lusophone communities worldwide (plus groups within those communities who are not Spanish/Portuguese speakers).

The official languages of the conference are English, Spanish and Portuguese.
We would be particularly interested in papers, panels and workshops on the following themes, although these should not be taken as exclusive:

Diaspora, displacement, migration, transnationalism Identity (race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class etc.) Hybridity and transculturation
Multi- and polyculturalism
Mass media and modernityy
Indigenous and folk musics
Tradition and authenticity
Postmodern and Postcolonial approaches
Global, national and local dynamics
Genre and/or style studies
History, memory and nostalgia
Cultures of resistance

Please contact the organisers if you have suggestions for performance-based activities.
There will be an extensive programme of cultural events around the city of Newcastle and Gateshead, organised in conjunction with Name and involving leading local arts organisations such as Northern Stage and The Sage Gateshead.

Papers should be designed to last no more than 20 minutes. Please send an abstract of no more than 200 words and any panel proposals to the conference administrator Sarah Barber at:  with the subject heading 'Popular Musics Conference' by June 30, 2005.

Other enquiries should be directed to the conference organisers, Ian Biddle, Vanessa Knights or Mark Sabine: 

Conference website:
Festival website: 

Supported by Newcastle Institute for Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities.


Congreso Internacional:
M?sicas populares del mundo hispano y lus?fono
14-16 de julio de 2006

Universidad de Newcastle upon Tyne

Comit? organizador: Ian Biddle, Vanessa Knights y Mark Sabine

Con sede en la Escuela de Lenguas Modernas y el Centro Internacional de Estudios de M?sica de la Universidad de Newcastle en colaboraci?n con la Escuela de Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad de Nottingham y el centro musical The Sage Gateshead ( ):

Plenaristas confirmados:

* Salwa El-Shawan Castelo Branco (Instituto de Etnomusicolog?a, Lisboa)
* Timothy Mitchell (Universidad A&M, Texas)
* David Treece (King's College, Universidad de Londres)

El prop?sito de este congreso es reunir a estudiosos, de cualquier disciplina, que trabajan sobre las m?sicas populares de las comunidades hispanas y lus?fonas en el mundo entero (y adem?s sobre grupos dentro de estas comunidades que no sean hispano- o lusoparlantes).

Las lenguas oficiales del congreso ser?n ingl?s, espa?ol y portugu?s.

Tenemos inter?s especial en ponencias, mesas tem?ticas y talleres sobre los temas abajo citados, no obstante se aceptar?n ponencias de tem?tica libre:

* Di?spora, dislocaci?n, migraci?n, transnacionalismo
* Identidad (raza, etnicidad, g?nero, sexualidad, clase etc?tera)
* Hibridez y transculturaci?n
* Multi- y policulturalismo
* Los medios, la cultura de masas y la modernidad
* M?sicas ind?genas y el folclor
* Tradici?n y autenticidad
* Posmodernismo y poscolonialismo
* Din?micas globales, locales y/o nacionales
* Estudios de g?nero y/o estilo
* Historia, memoria y nostalgia
* Culturas de resistencia

Habr? un programa extenso de eventos culturales organizado en colaboraci?n con Name en la zona de Newcastle y Gateshead con la participaci?n de prominentes organizaciones locales de la cultura y las artes como Northern Stage y The Sage Gateshead.

Para proponer actuaciones, favor de ponerse en contacto con el comit? organizador.

Las personas que deseen participar con ponencias deber?n enviar un resumen con una extensi?n m?xima de 200 palabras v?a correo electr?nico a la
secretaria del comit? cient?fico Sarah Barber: con el t?tulo de mensaje 'Popular Musics Conference' antes del 30 de junio de 2005. Tambi?n se le puede enviar propuestas para mesas tem?ticas. Las ponencias no deber?n exceder los 20 minutos.

Para cualquier informaci?n dirigirse al comit? organizador, Ian Biddle, Vanessa Knights o Mark Sabine:

P?gina web del congreso:
P?gina web del festival: http://www.vamosfestival.comm

Auspicia el Instituto de Letras, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Newcastle (NIASSH).

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16th Annual Pacific Northwest Music Graduate Students' Conference


Vancouver, BC
September 30-October 2, 2005

Call for Papers

Graduate students from across the United States and Canada are invited to submit proposals for this annual conference, hosted alternately by the University of Washington, the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia.
Paper proposals are invited on any topic relating to music theory, musicology, ethnomusicology, performance, composition, or music cognition. Paper presentations will be approximately 30 minutes in length, exclusive of discussion. Lecture-recitals will be approximately 45 minutes in length including performance and research-based lecture, exclusive of discussion.

Proposals should be in the form of an abstract of 350-500 words and should contain a clear outline of the paper s aims and subject matter. For anonymity, the author s name may appear in a cover letter but should not appear in the abstract itself. Submissions will be accepted by e-mail (please include the abstract in the main body of the e-mail) or by mail.

All submissions must be received by July 1, 2005.
Successful applicants will be notified in late August.

Submit by e-mail to:

Submit by mail to: The University of British Columbia
School of Music
c/o Stephanie Lind or Mustafa Bor
6361 Memorial Road

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Parma Rotary Club International Prize Giuseppi Verdi

Notice of competition: Parma Rotary Club International Prize Giuseppe Verdi, 12th Edition - 2005

The Rotary Club of Parma, in conjunction with the Istituto nazionale di studi verdiani Foundation, announces the Parma Rotary Club International Prize Giuseppe Verdi, to be awarded to a scholar intending to undertake research on a Verdian topic; the research will conclude with the presentation of a typed monograph to the Institute, to be published by the Institute.

The competition is open to Italian or foreign scholars.

The competition is intended for research projects to be completed between September 2006 and the Spring of 2008; the prize consists of Euro 10.330,00 to be paid after the work is completed (interim payments up to a maximum of 50% of the total prize may be granted). The scholar must consign the completed work no later than 31 May 2008 for approval by the Advisory Board of the Institute. Once the text has Board approval for publication, the remaining part of the prize will be paid by 31 December 2008. In no way should the prize be understood as an all-inclusive scholarship.

Entry to the competition will be through the presentation of a detailed proposal (accompanied by a curriculum vitae), specifying the subject matter and the research materials the scholar intends to use.

Should the research materials not be available at the Istituto nazionale di studi verdiani Foundation, the Istituto will order copies after receiving from the prize winner the necessary details, locations, etc.

The panel which will evaluate the research projects will consist of the Acting President (or an authorized representative) of the Rotary Club of Parma, the Director of the cultural activities of the Istituto nazionale di studi verdiani Foundation, and another person chosen by agreement between these two.

In evaluating the projects, the panel will take into account, in order of importance:

- the originality of the research project;

- the feasibility of completing the project within the time limits stated above;

- the academic qualifications of the proposer.

All other matters being equal, the panel will give preference to a project which involves research into documentary material which is unpublished or, at least, not presently available at the Istituto nazionale di studi verdiani Foundation.

Proposal should be transmitted to the Istituto nazionale di studi verdiani Foundation, Strada della Repubblica, 56 I-43100 Parma, Italy, not later than 30 September 2005; the Institute will announce the result of the competition not later than 30 November 2005.
For further information, please contact

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Midwest Graduate Music Consortium


The 2006 Midwest Graduate Music Consortium will be held at Northwestern University on 24 and 25 February 2006 with Kay Kaufman Shelemay as keynote speaker. Abstracts written by undergraduate and graduate students pertaining to music analysis, cognition, theory, pedagogy, performance, composition, education, ethnomusicology, musicology, and all other music-related subjects are welcomed. Selected presentations will be limited to twenty-minute talks that will be followed by ten additional minutes of questions and comments.

Please submit abstracts electronically to Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and must be received by 4 November 2005. Each applicant must submit their abstract in an attachment that does not contain their name or affiliation. The email accompanying this abstract should include the applicant?s name, affiliation, email address, and phone number and should also list the technological aids needed for the proposed presentation.

For further information about MGMC or the Consortium?s call for scores, visit the MGMC

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Harvard University Graduate Music Forum

Harvard University's Graduate Music Forum announces its third interdisciplinary graduate-student music conference:

MUSICAL RECEPTION: Actions, Reactions, Interactions October 15, 2005 The Barker Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

This conference invites graduate students to submit papers concerning all manifestations of musical reception. Topics may include, but are by no means limited to: how we experience music; how we think about, respond to, interpret, and talk or write about music; and how audiences can impact musical performances.

Papers are welcome from students engaged in all areas of musical scholarship (including musicologists, ethnomusicologists, theorists, performers, and composers), as well as from those in anthropology, history, cultural studies, sociology, philosophy, and related fields.

Abstracts should be 250 words or fewer and should be submitted by e-mail no later than August 1, 2005. The abstract should be included in the body of the message, as should the submitter's name, telephone number, and institutional affiliation. The Program Committee will read abstracts free of identifying information. Notifications will be sent no later than September 1, 2005.

Please e-mail abstracts and inquiries to Sheryl Kaskowitz, Conference Chair:

More information will be available soon on the conference website:

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Conference Announcements

Conference on American Hymnody

On September 9, 2005 Belmont University (Nashville, Tenn.) will host an all day conference on American Hymnody. Most of the presentations will focus on Shaped-Note and Sacred Harp traditions. Dr. Ron Pen from the University of Kentucky will be the featured speaker. For a preliminary program and registration information, visit and click on the Hymn Conference icon.

The conference this year is held in conjunction with the United Sacred Harp Convention, a premier gathering of singers from across North America. Those attending the conference are invited to stay and participate in the singing on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 10 and 11. If you have never experienced Sacred Harp singing on this scale, I assure you it will be an experience you won't soon forget. For more information on the United visit

Please join us for an exciting few days of scholarship and music making.
Feel free to contact me if you need additional information.

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Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Summer 2005 Workshops

The Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) is pleased to announce its summer 2005 workshops, to be held Aug 5-7 at The Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, CA. Five intensive workshops will allow small groups (no more than 30) to delve into a range of topics:

Music and dynamical systems
Multimodal feedback in retraining piano performance
Teaching music cognition
Evaluating musical cognitive disorders
Music and language

Those interested are encouraged to enroll soon, as spaces are limited. For details on the workshops and on enrollment, please visit:

Early registration deadline is March 28th, and registration closes on May 2nd.

For Further Information contact:
Aniruddh D. Patel, Ph.D.
Esther J. Burnham Fellow
The Neurosciences Institute
10640 John Jay Hopkins Drive
San Diego, CA 92121

858-626-2085 tel
858-626-2099 fax

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The 7th Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts

The 7th Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts

"Music, Environmental Design, and the Choreography of Space"

to be held in conjunction with the

17th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics

Proposals are invited for the 7th Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts, to be held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, August 1-7, 2005 in Baden-Baden, Germany. The study of systems within the scope of traditional arts-related theory, or the application of general systems methodologies to the analysis of music, architecture, interior design, dance, theatre, and the visual arts are areas of particular interest.

Proposals for presentations/papers of approximately 200 words should be submitted by April 15, 2005. Please visit the Symposium Web site at for more information. 

For additional contact information and details, please visit the IIAS home page at

Schenker Symposium

Mannes College of Music, New York City

Mannes College of Music announces the Fourth International Schenker Symposium, to be held Friday through Sunday, March 17-19, 2006. We hope that this symposium, like those held in 1985, 1992, and 1999, will demonstrate the breadth of scholarly and artistic work stimulated by Schenker. Anyone interested in presenting a paper is cordially invited to submit a proposal by October 1, 2005. Please submit 7 copies of the proposal (2-4 pages of text, plus examples if relevant) to:

David Loeb
Co-Chairman, Techniques of Music Department
Mannes College of Music
150 West 85th Street
New York, NY 10024
(Phone: 212-580-0210, ext. 4846; E-mail:


a single copy to the above address and a PDF file to:

Christopher Park

Coming soon -- 

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Journal-Related Announcements

Ars Lyrica, Volume 14

The Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations is pleased to announce the imminent release of the 2004 issue, Volume 14, of its peer-reviewed journal, Ars Lyrica.

Its Table of Contents includes the following articles and book reviews:

David Sannerud:
Jacques Leguerney: Nearly Forgotten Contributor to the French M?lodie Tradition Worthy of Revival

Alexandra Amati-Camperi:
Trespassing the Boundaries of Decent Discourse: Sex in the Early Madrigal

Mary I. Ingraham:
Paralyzed by Perfection(ism): Brahms's Search for the Ideal Opera Text

Axel Klein:
"The distant music mournfully murmereth. . .":
The Influence of James Joyce on Irish Composerss


Charles Keil and Steven Field:
Music Grooves: Essays and Dialgoues (Betsy Bowden)

Warren Kirkendale:
TThe Court Musicians in Florence During the Principate of the Medici, with a Reconstruction of the Artistic Endowment (Edward Rutschman)

Charles Nelson Gattey:
Luisa Tetrazzini: The Florentine Nightengale
(Gloria Allaire)

Piero Weiss (compiler):
Opera: A History in Documents (Laurel Zeiss)

Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations By-Laws (As approved 10/2004)

Individuals, Libraries and/or institutions wishing to subscribe to Ars Lyrica must become members of the Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations.
dues are uniform and have been set as follows:

2005 - $25; 2006 - $35; 2007 - $50, and will remain fixed at $50 until 2009.
Dues paid after September 1st will be applied to the following year.

All members receive our bi-annual Newsletter in addition to Ars Lyrica itself.

As of 2005, Lyrica will be issuing two annual volumes, the first devoted to a specific region, context or ideology: Ars Lyrica Celtica is scheduled for 2005; Ars Lyrica Nordica for 2006, Ars Lyrica Hebraica for 2007 and Ars Lyrica Slavonica for 2008.

For those libraries or individuals wishing to acquire all back issues of Ars Lyrica, a special rate, dependent upon the numbers of orders received, will be offered.

Please address membership queries to:

Ms Charlene Shipman, Membership Officer
The Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations c/o Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures Harvard University Warren House, Barker Center
12 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Danish Yearbook of Musicology

Danish yearbook of Musicology Vol. 32, 2004 is available now.
The main focus this year is on three contributions originating in the
international symposium, 'B?la Bart?k and Nationalism', held in Copenhagen
in September 2004. In addition, the issue includes book reviews,
conference reports and reports of research projects.


Viewpoint: Cynthia M. Grund, Double Jeopardy: The Interdisciplinary Study
of Music and Meaning


L?szl? Somfai, B?la Bart?k's Concept of 'Genuine and Valuable Art'

Simone Hohmaier, Bart?k and the German Music Tradition - Heritage and Impact

L?szl? Vik?rius, The Expression of National and Personal Identity in B?la Bart?k's Music

Morten Topp, When Messiah Came to Copenhagen. Two Centuries of Messiah Reception in Copenhagen

For questions regarding subscription or article submissions, please contact the editors:

Michael Fjelds?e (University of Copenhagen)

Thomas Holme Hansen (University of Aarhus) 

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Copyright Statement

[1] Music Theory Online (MTO) as a whole is Copyright (c) 2005, all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is the owner of the journal. Copyrights for individual items published in (MTO) are held by their authors. Items appearing in MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or discussion, but may not be republished in any form, electronic or print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and advance notification of the editors of MTO.

[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online in [VOLUME #, ISSUE #] on [DAY/MONTH/YEAR]. It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS], with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.

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Prepared by Brent Yorgason, Managing Editor
Updated 20 June 2005