Volume 13, Number 3, September 2007
Copyright © 2007 Society for Music Theory

Editor’s Message

MTO 13.3 is our largest volume to date, including articles, commentaries, and a review on diverse topics from thirteen authors. The issue also lists current announcements of jobs, conferences, new dissertations, and new books.

In this issue:

A group of commentary essays on Michael Buchler’s, “Reconsidering Klumpenhouwer Networks,” MTO 13.2. I am grateful to Norman Carey for his editorial leadership in assembling this substantial body of work on k-net analysis:

Gretchen Foley. “The Efficacy of K-Nets in Perlean Theory”

Henry Klumpenhouwer. “Reconsidering Klumpenhouwer Networks: a Response”

Catherine Losada. “K-nets and Hierarchical Structural Recursion: Further Considerations”

Catherine Nolan. “Thoughts on Klumpenhouwer Networks and Mathematical Models: The Synergy of Sets and Graphs”

Shaugn O’Donnell. “Embracing Relational Abundance”

Philip Stoecker. “Without a Safety (k)-Net”

Dmitri Tymoczko. “Recasting K-nets”

Scott Murphy also studies problems in k-net analytical methodology in his article, “Considering Network Recursion and Bartók’s ‘Fourths.’”

Fernando Benadon uses circular graphs to visualize complex rhythm patterns and analyze expressive timing data in his article, “A Circular Plot for Rhythm Visualization and Analysis.” The study includes animated analytical renderings with audio for several excerpts in contrasting improvisatory styles.

Adam Ricci traces the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic trajectory of a motive in his article, “The Progress of a Motive in Brahms’s Intermezzo op. 119, no. 3.”

In “Listening to the Music Itself: Breaking Through the Shell of Elliott Carter’s ‘In Genesis,’” Mark Sallmen draws upon Carter’s writings about his own music in analyzing compositional strategies and text-music relations in the final song from Carter’s In Sleep, In Thunder.

Matthew W. Butterfield offers a response to Fernando Benadon’s commentary on “The Power of Anacrusis,” MTO 13.1

Jeff Perry reviews Sound Reasoning: A New Way to Listen, a freely available web-based music listening course by Anthony K. Brandt.

Submissions to MTO are welcome at any time. We invite full-length articles, shorter commentaries, and innovative electronic formats. Comments in response to this issue’s articles may be submitted to the Editor for publication in the next issue.

Our dynamic listings for job announcements, upcoming conferences, calls for papers, new dissertations, and new books are updated automatically as soon as we receive and approve any new listing. Readers can check the MTO listings at any time to find current information on recent announcements. We also have links for submitting announcements and welcome new listings to keep our postings current.

All MTO volumes dating back to our first issue in 1993 can be accessed from the contents page at http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/issues.html.

Thank you for your support of MTO!

Timothy Koozin, Editor      
Music Theory Online
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204

(713) 743-3318

prepared by
Tim Koozin, Editor
Updated24 September 2007