Volume 15, Number 3 and 4, August 2009
Copyright © 2009 Society for Music Theory

Editor’s Message

Dear gracious readers of MTO,

I am honored to introduce Volumes 15.3 and 15.4 of MTO - a Journal of the Society for Music Theory. The fifteen essays in this double volume explore disability in our lives as scholars and teachers of music. While most of the essays include first person accounts, many of them very personal, all of the essays engage larger social, political, and practical issues. Ultimately, these volumes provide a previously unavailable resource that focuses on, as Joseph Straus states in his introduction to the volumes, “what disability enables us to do—how our scholarship, our teaching, and our lives are lived through and with disability and also are enriched by disability.”

After the introduction by Joseph Straus, the essays are loosely organized such that they start with writings that focus on the challenges of living and working with disabilities within academia, then move towards those that reflect on how life with a disability (either one’s own or that of a family member) has transformed teaching and work, and finish with essays that deal directly with the teaching of students with disabilities. In the end, however, an even greater significance emerges when the fifteen essays are explored as a single entity.

Also, don’t miss Eleanor Aversa’s highly enjoyable and thought-provoking review of David Huron’s Sweet Anticipation, which focuses primarily on the implications Huron’s work might have for composers.

From analysis through multimedia to issues that affect critical aspects of our work, the past several volumes of MTO have demonstrated an exciting breadth of possibility as this journal explores the issues of our field from many angles. We would like to encourage new and creative submissions of any kind. As you know, MTO is uniquely suited for the publication of articles that incorporate recordings, videos, and other media, but we also welcome submissions in any number of formats, including full-length articles, shorter commentaries, and entire special volumes. We are also developing a new feature, “analytical essays,” which would include brief, but high quality, analyses of single works, using appropriately targeted media.

Comments in response to this issue’s articles may be submitted to the Editor for publication in the next issue. Also, please refer to our new submission guidelines, if you are interested in submitting an article or essay.

As always, we would like to take a moment to recognize the indefatigable work of Brent Yorgason, our managing editor, and all of our editorial assistants, Sean Atkinson (UT Arlington), David Easley (Florida State University), Emily Gertsch (Florida State University), William Guerin (Indiana University), Chelsey Hamm (Florida State University), Mitch Ohriner (Indiana University), Crystal Peebles (Florida State University), and Jennie Smith (Florida State University).

Our dynamic listings for job announcements, upcoming conferences, calls for papers, new dissertations, and new books are updated automatically as soon as we receive and approve any new listing. Readers can check the MTO listings at any time to find current information on recent announcements. We also have links for submitting announcements online.

All MTO volumes dating back to our first issue in 1993 can be accessed from the contents page at http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/issues.html.

Thank you, as always, for your support of MTO - a Journal of the Society for Music Theory.

Matthew Shaftel      
Music Theory Online
Florida State University
College of Music
Tallahassee, FL 32306


prepared by
Brent Yorgason, Managing Editor
Updated 28 August 2009