Example 1. Rameau’s (1722, 1760) nomenclature of chords

Example 1 thumbnail

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Example 2. Chords and their figures (after Rameau 1722, 1760)

Example 2 thumbnail

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Example 3. Règle de l’octave (Rameau 1722)

Example 3 thumbnail

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Example 4. Delair’s (1724) leaping bass

Example 4 thumbnail

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Example 5. Older scale harmonization models

Example 5 thumbnail

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Example 6. Realization of Campion’s (1730) basse continue

Example 6 thumbnail

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Example 7. Chord inversions, delayed resolutions, and disjunct resolutions (Rameau 1722)

Example 7 thumbnail

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Example 8. 2ˆ5ˆ1ˆ cadences

Example 8 thumbnail

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Example 9. Campion’s cadential formulas

Example 9 thumbnail

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Example 10. The règle with its 4ˆ5ˆ1ˆ cadential formula

Example 10 thumbnail

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Example 11. Chords of the dominant seventh and of the superfluous second

Example 11 thumbnail

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Example 12. Campion, Apollon! C’est toi que j’implore and Enseigne-moi le beau mélange

Example 12 thumbnail

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Example 13. Saint-Georges ([1724?]), Leçon sur le ton de ré mode mineur

Example 13 thumbnail

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Example 14. A comparison of Rameau’s (1722) “most essential chords” with those present in his régle

Example 14 thumbnail

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Example 15. Corrette’s (1753) règle de l’octave with its “extraordinary” chords

Example 15 thumbnail

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Example 16. Chords “by supposition”

Example 16 thumbnail

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Example 17. Alternative descending octave according to Gervais (1733)

Example 17 thumbnail

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Example 18. Rameau’s (1731) standardized règle de l’octave with its “extraordinary” chords

Example 18 thumbnail

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Example 19. Couperin’s (1698?) expanded scale harmonization model

Example 19 thumbnail

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Example 20. Fleury’s (1660) cadential model

Example 20 thumbnail

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Example 21. Rameau’s (1722) cadential models

Example 21 thumbnail

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Example 22. “Extraordinary” bass motions drawn from the perfect cadence and the irregular cadence

Example 22 thumbnail

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Example 23. Harmonic content of the règle de l’octave

Example 23 thumbnail

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Example 24. “Of all the chords possible on the same note” (Corrette 1753, 66)

Example 24 thumbnail

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Example 25. Modulations

Example 25 thumbnail

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Example 26. Reinterpretations of cadential 6ˆ

Example 26 thumbnail

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Example 27. Improvised, unmeasured harmonic framework

Example 27 thumbnail

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Example 28. Refinement of the bass line

Example 28 thumbnail

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Example 29. C.P.E. Bach (1762, 340–[43]), Fantasia in D major with its framework

Example 29 thumbnail

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Example 30. Fançois Couperin, Septiéme Concert “Prelude” (1724)

Example 30 thumbnail

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