Example 1. Four expressive modes, with associated musical topics, dramatic features, and musical characteristics

Example 1 thumbnail

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Example 2. The scenes of the ballet in relation to dramatic characters and expressive modes

Example 2 thumbnail

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Example 3. The Melody of the Young Men, as they learn divination from the Old Woman

Example 3 thumbnail

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Example 4. The Spring Rounds Procession

Example 4 thumbnail

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Example 5. The Women’s Entreaty, as they try to intercede in the warlike games among the men

Example 5 thumbnail

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Example 6. The Earth Melody, part of a wild, orgiastic dance for male and female dancers (Dancing Out of the Earth, Reh. 75)

Example 6 thumbnail

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Example 7. Mystic Circle Second Theme

Example 7 thumbnail

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Example 8. The Sentence of Doom, heard as the tribal Ancestors and Elders pass their final, fatal judgment on the Chosen One

Example 8 thumbnail

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Example 9. The Opening Folk Tune is the only actual folk melody in the ballet that is complete and presented in something like its original form

Example 9 thumbnail

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Example 10. The Young Women’s Melody marks their entrance onstage and accompanies their first dance

Example 10 thumbnail

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Example 11. The Earth Melody (variant), now in chattering sixteenth notes

Example 11 thumbnail

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Example 12. Nature Melody #3 is one of a number of melodies designed to represent sounds of nature, including ancient shepherd’s reed pipes called “dudki.”

Example 12 thumbnail

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Example 13. The four-note Motto Ostinato that runs through the entire Augurs of Spring

Example 13 thumbnail

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Example 14. The Sage’s Melody represents The Sage and the tribal Elders from the first moment they come onstage

Example 14 thumbnail

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Example 15. In the opening measures of the ballet, just after the Opening Folk Tune, we hear a brief premonition of the Old Woman’s Melody (Introduction to Part One, Reh. 1)

Example 15 thumbnail

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Example 16. A bit later in the Introduction to Part One, still before any dancers have come onstage, there is a more extended preview of the Old Woman’s Melody

Example 16 thumbnail

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Example 17. When the Old Woman does arrive onstage, at the beginning of Augurs of Spring, we hear her melody in its definitive form

Example 17 thumbnail

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Example 18. Exotic Melody #2—chromatic, snaky, serpentine—is one of three such tunes with which the Ancestors and Elders seek to mesmerize and immobilize the Chosen One

Example 18 thumbnail

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Example 19. The Earth Fanfare is part of a wild, orgiastic dance of life

Example 19 thumbnail

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Example 20. The theme of Final Judgment, representing an implacable fate

Example 20 thumbnail

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Example 21. This short melody is part of a mysterious Sinuous Counterpoint

Example 21 thumbnail

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Example 22. Exotic Melody #1 moves in a similarly sinuous and chromatic way within its (024) frame

Example 22 thumbnail

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Example 23. This Circle Dance for Old Men is another chromatic melody used by the Elders and Ancestors as they circle their victim, but this one is more aggressive than charming

Example 23 thumbnail

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Example 24. This is The Chosen One’s Cry—her principal tune as she enacts her dance of death

Example 24 thumbnail

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Example 25. The Fatality Motive represents an implacable fate

Example 25 thumbnail

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Example 26. Nature Melody #1 is the first of several melodies in the Introduction to Part One that represent the sounds of the natural world

Example 26 thumbnail

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Example 27. In Nature Melody #4, the shepherd’s pipes are now evoked by a solo oboe

Example 27 thumbnail

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Example 28. In another nature melody from the Introduction to Part One, Nature Melody #5 the shepherd’s pipes are now evoked by a piccolo clarinet

Example 28 thumbnail

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Example 29. The Mystic Circle Melody has a natural, sweet, unforced quality

Example 29 thumbnail

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Example 30. Abduction Fanfare #1 is violent, martial music that represents the men seizing the women in an orgy of sexual violence

Example 30 thumbnail

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Example 31. Abduction Fanfare #2 is a musical celebration of male sexual violence

Example 31 thumbnail

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Example 32. Abduction Fanfare #2 returns in a later scene, as the music for the second of the Two Rival Tribes

Example 32 thumbnail

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Example 33. The TC property in the Rite’s principal melodic frames

Example 33 thumbnail

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Example 34. The TC property in three additional rarely used melodic frames

Example 34 thumbnail

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Example 35. Voice-leading space for tetrachordal set classes with the TC property

Example 35 thumbnail

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Example 36. Two versions of the Final Judgment melody, representing (0246) and (0235)

Example 36 thumbnail

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Example 37. Two versions of the Mystic Circle Second Theme, representing (0235) and (0257)

Example 37 thumbnail

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Example 38. A network of melodies associated with the Sage and the other Old Men

Example 38 thumbnail

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Example 39. A voice-leading network that further connects melodies associated with the Sage and other Old Men, and links them with the Old Woman

Example 39 thumbnail

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Example 40. A voice-leading network that connects melodies associated with the Young Men, with male violence, and with the military expressive mode

Example 40 thumbnail

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Example 41. The two Mystic Circle melodies (first theme and second theme)

Example 41 thumbnail

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Example 42. A larger transposition up by whole tone (T2) is achieved in stages, as each whole tone within the melody moves independently

Example 42 thumbnail

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Example 43. A large-scale motivic contraction connects statements of the Mystic Circle First Theme

Example 43 thumbnail

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Example 44. Two melodies associated with Young Women and exemplifying the feminized pastoral mode

Example 44 thumbnail

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Example 45. The Amazonian principal theme of The Naming and Honoring of the Chosen One maintains the connection with Young Women, but transforms the expressive mode from pastoral to military

Example 45 thumbnail

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Example 46. Another Amazonian, military theme from The Naming and Honoring of the Chosen One is also part of the women-centered network

Example 46 thumbnail

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Example 47. Linkage of the Old Woman’s Tune, Exotic Melody #3 (which Craft calls “snake charming”), and the Chosen One’s Cry

Example 47 thumbnail

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Example 48. Different musical characterizations of the female

Example 48 thumbnail

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Example 49. The Earth Fanfare in relation to Abduction Fanfare #2 and the Second Tribe’s Fanfare

Example 49 thumbnail

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Example 50. A different melody from Dancing Out of the Earth also has fanfare qualities, and is linked via TC voice leading with other fanfare melodies in the ballet

Example 50 thumbnail

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Example 51. The Women’s Entreaty as a compression of the Second Tribe’s Fanfare

Example 51 thumbnail

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Example 52. A basic opposition between feminine, pastoral melodies within A-D and ponderous, religious processions for Old Men within G-C, mediated by the Final Judgment melody

Example 52 thumbnail

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Example 53. The transposition of the Opening Folk Tune from A-D to A-D both composes out the initial melodic interval (T-1) and prefigures a dramatic shift from the feminized pastoral to the ritualized and murderous world of the Old Men

Example 53 thumbnail

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Example 54. The final measures of the ballet recall and demonically parody the Opening Folk Tune, especially the emphasis on the interval A-C within the A-B-C-D frame

Example 54 thumbnail

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