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       M U S I C          T H E O R Y         O N L I N E
                     A Publication of the
                   Society for Music Theory
         Copyright (c) 1995 Society for Music Theory
| Volume 1, Number 6     November, 1995    ISSN:  1067-3040   |
  General Editor                          Lee A. Rothfarb
  Co-Editors                              Dave Headlam
                                          Justin London
                                          Ann McNamee
  Reviews Editor                          Brian Alegant
  Manager                                 Robert Judd
  Consulting Editors
	Bo Alphonce		   Thomas Mathiesen
	Jonathan Bernard	   Benito Rivera
	John Clough		   John Rothgeb
	Nicholas Cook		   Arvid Vollsnes
	Allen Forte		   Robert Wason
	Marianne Kielian-Gilbert   Gary Wittlich
	Stephen Hinton		   
  Editorial Assistants              Ralph Steffen
                                    Cindy Nicholson
  All queries to: mto-editor@smt.ucsb.edu  or to
                         * * CONTENTS * *
AUTHOR AND TITLE                                 FILENAMES
1. Target Article
William Pastille, Schenker's Value-Judgments     mto.95.1.6.pastille.art
   (also available in Web form through the MTO
    Web page, or directly, at the URL
     (ASCII 30.5K; HTML 33.4K)
2. Commentaries
   None this issue
3. Reviews
Matthew S. Royal, Review of *The Analysis and    mto.95.1.6.royal.rev
   Cognition of Basic Melodic Structures* and
   *The Analysis and Cognition of Melodic
   Complexity* by Eugene Narmour (54K)
4. Announcements (29K)                           mto.95.1.6.ann
  a. Jazz and Classical Music Education: U.S.A - Russia Project
  b. Crossroads of Traditions: The second Inter-American
     Composition Workshop
  c. 1996 International Computer Music Conference
  d. Symposium of Research in Music Theory (Indiana University
     Graduate Theory Association)
  e. Cross(over) Relations: Scholarship, Popular Music, and
     the Canon
  f. Music Theory Midwest: Call for Proposals
  g. Seventeenth-Century Music Dissertation Database
  h. Ernst Bloch Composers Symposium
  i. Music Theory Southeast:  Call for Papers
  j. Texas Society for Music Theory:  Eighth Annual Meeting
5. Employment (15K)                              mto.95.1.6.job
  a. School of Music, University of Oregon 
  b. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
  c. University of California, Santa Cruz
  d. Peabody Conservatory of Music
  e. Bowdoin College
  f. Brigham Young University, Department of Music
  g. Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
  h. Univeristy of Rochester, College Music Program
  i. New York University, Dept. of Music and Performing Arts
6. New Dissertations (10K)                       mto.95.1.6.dis
  Lorenz, Ralph.  "Pedagogical Implications of musica practica
     in Sixteenth-Century Wittenberg," Indiana University, 1995.
  Perlman, Marc A.  "Unplayed Melodies:  Music Theory in Postcolonial
     Java."  Wesleyan University, 1994.
  Roller, Jonathan B.  ""An Analysis of Selected Movements from the
     Symphonies of Charles Ives Using Linear and Set Theoretical
     Analytical Models." University of Kentucky School of Music, 1995.
7. Communications
                       Editor's Message    
1. New Look!
2. Did you know...?
3. Memory upgrade
4. MTO NetAds
5. "New Musicology" papers
1. New Look!
This issue of MTO introduces a new look for our articles presented as
Web documents, using HTML "tags."  Robert Judd, MTO Manager, has
developed a useful and attractive template for our HTML-formatted
essays.  The template includes several buttons at the top, one for
moving to the listing of items for the current issue, another for
viewing the endnotes of the essay, two more for jumping to the MTO and
SMT home pages, and, most importantly, one for posting comments about
the essay to mto-talk, the discussion list allied with MTO.  Those who
post comments to mto-talk should use a uniform Subject: line so that a
discussion thread, traceable by that Subject: line, develops.  The
title of this issue's essay, "Schenker's Value-Judgments," by William
Pastille, makes a good Subject: line.  In the future, the publication
notice that precedes the release of each issue will suggest uniform
Subject: lines for each essay and commentary.  The suggested lines may
of course mutate as a discussion evolves.  The mto-talk editor, Claire
Boge, may need to adjust the line to maintain continuity.  We hope the
new template meets with approval, and invite suggestions for
2.  Did you know...?
Did you know that
MTO has more than 1000 subscribers world-wide?
MTO's Web page was visited an average of 100 times a day over the last 6 weeks?
MTO is indexed by RILM (International Repertory of Music Literature)?
MTO is fully copyrighted?
MTO has in its short 2 3/4 years published 24 essays (not counting 
  commentaries and reviews)?
MTO has an allied mailing list, mto-talk, for discussing articles?
MTO has a database of its contents, indexed by author, title, and 
  keyword, searchable through the Web?
MTO is an official publication of the Society for Music Theory?
We invite you to show your appreciation and support for MTO by
contacting the SMT Treasurer, Cynthia Folio, to join the Society.
Watch the MTO Web page, which will soon have a Web form for joining.
3.  Memory upgrade
Subscribers may recall from the last Editor's Message that UCSB
granted MTO $3000 to pay for editorial, technical, and clerical help
during the current academic year.  I am now pleased to report a
donation of $750, which was used to purchase and install 16 megabytes
of RAM, bringing boethius's memory to 32 megabytes.  Many thanks to
the generous donor, who has chosen to remain anonymous.
4.  MTO NetAds
At the recent annual SMT meeting in New York City, the Networking
Committee, chaired by Aleck Brinkman (Eastman School of Music),
proposed to the Publications Committee that MTO allow certain types of
advertisements to appear in the journal.  The proposal was passed by
the Publications Committee and, on its recommendation, by the
Executive Board.  Beginning with the next issue of MTO, advertisements
may be submitted for inclusion in a new department, to be called
The NetAds for a current issue will be listed in the table of contents
under the filename ads.current.  Subscribers who use mto-serv to
retrieve MTO items can order the ads by including the line "send ads"
or "send advertisements" in a message addressed to
mto-serv@smt.ucsb.edu.  Those who retrieve items by
anonymous FTP will find the ads.current file in the pub/mto/issues
directory.  Past NetAd files will be named according to the standard
MTO filename, with the suffix .ads (e.g. mto.95.1.6.ads), and will be
found in the corresponding subdirectory of pub/mto/issues
(e.g. mto.95.1.6.ads would be in the pub/mto/issues/mto.95.1.6
We hope that subscribers will take advantage of the new NetAd service
as a way of nofitying the music theory community of items of interest
(for example software for CAI, analysis, music notation).
5.  "New Musicology papers"
One of the best attended and most thought-provoking sessions at the
SMT meeting in New York City was entitled "Contemporary Theory and the
'New Musicology'."  Patrick McCreless, immediate past President of the
SMT, gave a ten-minute introduction to the session, which put the
subject into perspective.  Five invited speakers followed, Scott
Burnham (Princeton Univeristy), "Theorists and 'The Music Itself'";
Marion A. Guck (Washington Univeristy, St. Louis), "Music Loving, or
The Relationship with the Musical Work"; Matthew Brown (Louisiana
State University), "Adrift on Neurath's Boat: The Case for a
Naturalized Music Theory"; Joseph Dubiel (Columbia Univeristy), "On
Getting Deconstructed"; and Kofi Agawu (Yale University), "Analyzing
Music under the New Musicological Regime."  The first four papers will
appear in the next few issues of MTO.  Professor Agawu's paper may
appear at a later time.
The papers addressed vital matters regarding the ways music theorists
think about, define, and carry out the tasks of their discipline.  We
hope that the papers will stimulate an active and productive dialog
through the mto-talk discussion list
(mto-talk@smt.ucsb.edu), and through formal commentaries
submitted for publication in MTO.  Watch for the first papers to
appear in volume 2.1 (January, 1996).
Lee A. Rothfarb, General Editor
Music Theory Online
University of California, Santa Barbara
8. Copyright Statement
   1.  Retrieving MTO Items (with mto-serv, FTP, and through WWW)
   2.  Subscribing to MTO
   3.  Retrieving MTO Documentation
   4.  Queries and Communications
MTO FileServer
Items are retrieved by sending an email message to the MTO FileServer,
mto-serv, or through anonymous FTP (see below).  To use the FileServer,
send a message to one of the following two addresses:
Leave the "Subject:" line blank and as the body of the message include
the following lines (no personal letterheads or signatures!):
path YourEmailAddress	  (Bitnet addresses *must* include .BITNET)
send Item		  (specify item, as listed below)
send Item		  (additional "send" lines, if desired)
After the word "path," enter your full email address (Bitnet users
must include .BITNET).  Be *sure* to include the word "path" 
followed by a valid email address.  Without the "path" line, mto-serv 
will not know where to deliver requested items.  To retrieve items
from the *current* issue of MTO, after the word "send," replace "Item" 
with the one of the following options:
articles	(= main article[s])
gifs		(= musical examples)
reviews		(= review[s])
commentaries	(= commentaries on past MTO articles)
dissertations	(= dissertation listings)
announcements	(= announcements)
jobs		(= job listings)
package		(= all the above items, in a single package)
toc		(= current table of contents)
path john_doe@cs.jupiter.mmu.edu
send package
Subscribers with restricted emailbox space should be careful when
using the "package" option.  A full issue of MTO, text and musical
examples, can be quite large and may "crash" an emailbox of limited
size.  It may be safer to request a few files at a time, and to remove
them from the emailbox before requesting more files.
For instructions on retrieving items from back issues, or complete 
back issues of MTO, consult the document "mto-guide.txt" (see below,
on retrieving MTO documentation).
MTO items may also be retrieved through anonymous FTP.  The site
is: smt.ucsb.edu.  An alternate FTP site is located at the
University of North Texas: smtftp.acs.unt.edu.  Use "anonymous" as
loginID and your email address as password.  Change to the directory
pub/mto/issues/mto.yy.v.i (where yy = last two digits of the current
year, v = volume number, and i = issue number) with the command: cd
pub/mto/issues/mto.yy.v.i.  The file mto.current contains all items
constituting the current issue; toc.current is the most recent table
of contents.  The individual items of the current issue have filenames
that begin as follows: mto.yy.v.i, where "yy" is the last two digits
of the current year; "v" is the current volume number; and "i" is the
current issue number (example: mto.94.0.6).  Refer to the MTO Guide
for further information.
The address of the MTO gopher site is:  smt.ucsb.edu
The initial menu includes an option for MTO.  An alternate gopher
site is at the University of North Texas: smtgopher.acs.unt.edu
MTO also has a World-Wide Web page.  The URL is:
Follow the links to the current or past issues.
To subscribe to MTO, send an email message to one of the following
"listproc" addresses:
Leave the "Subject:" line blank and as the text of the message include 
the following single line (no personal letterheads or signatures!): 
subscribe mto-list YourFirstName YourLastName
You will receive a message confirming your subscription.  Once the 
subscription is confirmed, to receive the MTO Guide send a message to 
one of the "listproc" addresses shown above, and as the body of the
message include the single line:  information mto-list
To cancel a subscription, send the following single line to one of the 
"listproc" addresses (not to mto-serv!):  unsubscribe mto-list
[NOTE:  Do not send email to the "listproc" addresses for anything
other than initiating and terminating subscriptions to MTO.  Further,
do not send email to mto-list@boethius.  mto-list is solely for broadcasting
MTO to its subscribers, *not* for communication among subscribers, nor 
for retrieving MTO items (done with mto-serv), nor for communication
with the Editor (address above).  Please do not send mail to 
mto-list@boethius, *nor* use a "reply" command on email distributed through 
Several MTO explanatory documents are available through mto-serv:
mto-guide.txt (the MTO Guide, also retrievable from "listproc")
   Instructions for
	a. subscribing to MTO
	b. retrieving MTO items (articles, reviews,
	   commentaries, musical examples, and figures)
	c. posting items in MTO (announcements, jobs, dissertations)
	d. searching the MTO database
   Guidelines for authors
   MTO editorial policy
   List of available software (IBM and Mac) for MTO
   subscribers, and instructions for retrieving the
   List of all files in the MTO archive (updated regularly)
To retrieve any of these documents, send an email message to one of 
the "mto-serv" addresses (not to the "listproc" addresses!), and use 
the format shown above ("path" line with full email address, and one 
or more "send" lines specifying the desired document[s]).  For example, 
to retrieve the document called "software.txt," address a message to 
mto-serv and as the body of the message include only the following two 
lines (no personal letterheads or signatures!):
path john_doe@cs.jupiter.mmu.edu    (Bitnet addresses must include .BITNET)
send software.txt
send authors.txt		  (additional "send" lines for more items)
The words "path" (followed by an email address) and "send" (followed
by the desired item) *must* appear.
Send all queries and communications (announcements, letters to
the Editor, etc.) to one of the following addresses:
	mto-editor@smt.ucsb.edu or to
Copyright Statement
[1] *Music Theory Online* (MTO) as a whole is Copyright (c) 1995,
all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is
the owner of the journal.  Copyrights for individual items 
published in MTO are held by their authors.  Items appearing in 
MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be 
shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or 
discussion, but may *not* be republished in any form, electronic or 
print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and 
advance notification of the editors of MTO.
[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must
include the following information in a form appropriate to
the medium in which the items are to appear:
	This item appeared in *Music Theory Online*
	It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
	with whose written permission it is reprinted 
[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper 
form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its 
entirety, and no access fee is charged.  Exceptions to these 
requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, 
who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for 
Music Theory.