Figure 18. A MIDIplay Script (Back to Essay)


    -------------------------      Play Midi Note     -------------------------
    -- These button scripts cause a random tone to be played on a MIDI       --
    -- synthesizer, using MIDIplay external commands.                        --

    -------------------------    mouseUp handler      -------------------------
    -- Sets timbre to piano or violin tone (50% chance of each). Generates   --
    -- midi note number randomly, and plays note for 1 second.  Note: midi   --
    -- note numbers are integers, with 60 = middle C. Here we choose a       --
    -- random number between 1 and 35, and add 47 to it, so we get a note    --
    -- between 48 (C3) and 84 (C6).
    on mouseUp
      if random(2) = 1
      then MIDIplay "xmit","t 192 0"       -- piano tone
      else MIDIplay "xmit","t 192 40"      -- violin tone
      put random(37) + 47 into note        -- get random number between 48 & 84
      mplay note, 60                       -- play note for 60 ticks (1 sec)
    end mouseUp

    -------------------------          mplay          -------------------------
    -- Sends a "note on" signal, waits x ticks, and sends "note off".        --
    on mplay note, x             -- note is midi note code (C4=60)
      MIDIplay "xmit", "t 144" && note && "100"     -- note on
      wait x ticks
      midiplay "xmit", "t 128" && note && "0"       -- note off
    end mplay

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