Editor's Message

With this issue, production of Music Theory Online moves fully to Indiana University.  I am pleased to welcome Brent Yorgason, Art Samplaski, Michael Toler, and Elisabeth Honn as Editorial Assistants.  For their willingness to assume these new responsibilities I am grateful.  Physically, MTO will continue to reside on the Boethius server at the University of California--Santa Barbara.

Allow me to remind subscribers that Music Theory Online accepts submissions on any topic of interest to the music theory community.  Submissions that take advantage of the special multimedia opportunities afforded by the online format of MTO are especially encouraged, but that is by no means required.  For those who may feel intimidated by the process of submitting manuscripts electronically, I hope to develop new guidelines and procedures during the summer to make it easier to do so.  Review of submissions can normally be completed within four weeks, with publication possible in most cases within three or four months of acceptance.  Researchers are welcome to contact me to discuss ideas for special projects.

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Eric J. Isaacson, General Editor
Music Theory Online
School of Music
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

voice: (812) 855-0296 (with voice mail)
fax: (812) 855-4936

Updated 03 July 2013
Brent Yorgason