Music Theory Online is one of the flagship journals of the Society for Music Theory. It is a peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal of research and scholarship in music theory, music analysis, and related disciplines. MTO has been in continuous publication since 1993. New issues are published four times per year and include articles, reviews, commentaries, and conference reports. In addition, MTO publishes a list of job opportunities and abstracts of recently completed dissertations.
Current Issue:
Volume 30.4, featuring articles, reviews, and commentaries by:
Alyssa Barna and Caroline McLaughlin
- Amy Bauer
- Nicole Biamonte
Janet Bourne, Rachel Lumsden, and Inessa Bazayev
- Clifton Boyd
- Lee Cannon-Brown
- Quintina Carter-Ényì
- Aaron Carter-Ényì
- Sheryl Man-Ying Chow
- Anne Danielsen
- Daniel Goldberg
- Liam Hynes-Tawa
- Seokyoung Kim
- John Y. Lawrence
- Ji Yeon Lee
Edwin K. C. Li, Chris Stover, and Anna Yu Wang
- Edwin K. C. Li
- Nathan John Martin
- Evan Martschenko
Enrique Valarelli Menezes and Carlos Eduardo de Barros Moreira Pires
- Joon Park
- Eshantha Peiris
- Qian Rong
- Sami Abu Shumays
- Chris Stover
- James Sullivan
- Michael Tenzer
- Stephanie Venturino
- Amanda Villepastour
- Dan Wang
MTO Editor: Brent Auerbach (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
MTO Associate Editors:
Zachary Bernstein (Eastman School of Music), Nancy Murphy (University of Michigan) [on leave 2024–2025], Drew Nobile (University of Oregon), and William O'Hara (Gettysburg College)
MTO Reviews Editors: Clare Sher Ling Eng (Belmont University) and Kara Yoo Leaman (Mannes School of Music)
MTO Managing Editor: Brent Yorgason (Brigham Young University)
MTO Editorial Board