Music Theory OnlineThe Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory |
Volume 6, Number 1 September, 2000
Copyright � 2000 Society for Music Theory
University of Lethbridge (AB): Assistant Professor in Musicology
University of Lethbridge (AB): Two-year faculty position in Composition/Theory
University of Cambridge: Senior Computing Technician, Faculties of Music and English
University of Kentucky: Assistant Professor, Music Theory
Position: Assistant Professor, Music Theory Division, tenure track position, beginning August 2000.
Duties: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses, including rotation of written & aural courses, form & analysis, graduate tonal analysis, and 20th century analysis. Participate actively in the graduate theory program as thesis advisor and graduate committee member.
Qualifications: Ph.D. in music theory is required. Evidence of strong interest and commitment to the teaching/learning process is essential as are scholarly achievements and research potential leading toward national prominence in the field. Full time university teaching experience is strongly preferred. Experience with music technology research and teaching is desirable.
Salary: Contingent upon qualifications and experience.
Applications: Review of applications will begin December 1 and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to:
Dr. Charles Lord, Chair
Music Theory Search Committee
School of Music
University of Kentucky
Lexington KY 40506-0022
The School of Music at the University of Kentucky is a multi- purpose unit of the College of Fine Arts, with a full-time faculty of 40 and nearly 400 students, including over 100 graduate students. The School offers the B.A. in music; B.M. in performance and music education; M.A. in musicology or theory; M.M. in performance, composition, music education and conducting; Ph.D. in musicology, theory, or music education, and the D.M.A. in performance, composition and conducting.
The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Charles Lord, Associate Professor
School of Music
University of Kentucky
105 Fine Arts Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0022
McGill University: Assistant Professor, Music Technology and Communications
POSITION/RANK: Assistant Professor, Music Technology and Communications
INSTITUTION: McGill University, Faculties of Music and of Arts
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should hold a Ph.D. but those close to completion are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants with a background in digital signal processing and extensive programming experience.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Tenure-track position in Music Technology. The position will be for a productive research specialist in music technology able to provide leadership for ongoing development and expansion of a Ph.D. program in music technology, and able to contribute to a Graduate Program in Communications in the Faculty of Arts. Teaching duties will entail the teaching of undergraduate courses and graduate seminars, and the supervision of Master's and Doctoral students in music technology and in communications. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. McGill University is committed to equity in employment.
ITEMS TO SEND: Curriculum vitae and statement of research interests. Letters of reference will be requested when required.
DEADLINE: When the position is filled.
Prof. Wieslaw Woszczyk, Chair
Department of Theory, Faculty of Music
McGill University
555 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, QC
H3A 1E3
Tel: (514) 398-4540
Fax: (514) 398-8061
Washington University in St. Louis: Assistant Professor, Music Theory
POSITION/RANK: Assistant Professor, Music Theory
INSTITUTION: Washington University in St. Louis
QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in music theory by the beginning of the appointment and demonstrated excellence in teaching.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor in music theory.
Beginning date: Fall semester 2000.
The successful candidate will be expected to combine an active research career with a dedication to teaching music in a liberal arts environment. We are looking for a scholar with broad interests who has expertise in music of the 20th century and research interests in recent cognitive theory, critical theory, philosophy, non-Western musics, or jazz theory.
Duties: Teach undergraduate and graduate tonal theory and analysis, 20th-century music and theory, seminars; pursue research and publication; supervise independent projects, theses, and dissertations; and participate on departmental and university committees.
Applications received by January 15, 2000 will have first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Washington University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
SALARY RANGE: negotiable
ITEMS TO SEND: Cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation.
DEADLINE: January 15, 2000
Dr. Roland Jordan
Chair, Theory Search Committee
Department of Music
Campus Box 1032
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
SUNY Stony Brook, Position in Music History/Theory
Scholar with primary specialization in 19th-century music and an established record of productivity. We look for distinction in scholarship and in teaching, combined with commitment to undergraduate instruction in a College of Arts and Sciences. Position responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate instruction, supervision of student research and writing, dissertation direction, advising, departmental and university service.
Candidates must hold a PhD and should be well-versed in both historical and theoretical domains and conversant with interdisciplinary perspectives. Teaching experience is essential.
Appointment as Associate or Assistant Professor, tenured or tenure-track; rank and salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Appointment to begin Fall 2000. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, at least three current letters of reference or reference dossier, statement of teaching interests and philosophy to:
Sarah Fuller, Chair of Scholar Search Committee
Department of Music
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York, 11794-5475
Screening of Applications will begin November 29 and continue until the position is filled. The University at Stony Brook is an Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women, people of color, disabled persons, and/or special disabled or Vietnam era veterans are especially welcome.
Sarah Fuller
University of Minnesota: Assistant Professor in Music Theory
The University of Minnesota, located in Minneapolis-St. Paul, is a major research university of 40,000 students and nearly 2,400 faculty. The new School of Art, scheduled for completion in 2002, will finish the University's West Bank Arts Quarter, placing the four arts disciplines within one block of each other in a unique physical and collaborative environment. The School of Music, a part of the 30-department College of Liberal Arts, serves more than 500 majors in degree programs from bachelor's to doctorate. It is located in one of America's most vibrant music learning laboratories, with the Twin Cities offering outstanding music performance opportunities by the Minnesota Orchestra, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Opera, Plymouth Music Series, Minnesota Chorale, Walker Art Center, and Guthrie Theatre, as well as many others. Please visit the School of Music website at:
Position: Assistant Professor of Music Theory. Tenure-track, nine-month, full-time position beginning Fall Semester 2000. The University of Minnesota seeks a scholar in Music Theory who demonstrates the potential to be an intellectual leader in the field, who is conversant with current technologies designed to augment traditional instructional modes in Theory, and whose research interests will complement the existing strengths of the faculty.
Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in Music Theory and college/university teaching experience with a record of teaching excellence are required. Expertise in a wide variety of theoretical approaches to music is necessary. A breadth of knowledge and interests suited to the study of music within the liberal arts is required, and a growing record of scholarly publication is highly desirable. Experience in the use of instructional software is required. Further experience with authoring systems, multimedia, Internet resources, and application of these within a networked computer-cluster environment is desirable. Demonstrated supervisory ability and the ability to work within a collaborative environment is expected.
Responsibilities: Duties will include the development and implementation of a new year-long program of study for freshman music majors within the five-semester Theory Core, and other undergraduate and graduate courses according to the successful candidate's areas of expertise. A vigorous program of research in Music Theory, resulting in publication at the national or international level is a requirement for continuation and eventual tenure. Additional service to the School of Music and the University is expected, including student advising and supervision in the preparation of theses and dissertations, and committee assignments throughout the School of Music, College of Liberal Arts and the University. Such service may also include curriculum design and development, and development of instructional tools and technologies.
Application Procedure: Send all of the following:
Letter of application
Curriculum vitae
Three letters of reference/evaluation
A list of courses taught
A list of Theory and Ear Training software and other pedagogical software with
which the candidate is familiar
Statement of the candidate's teaching philosophy, to include proposed courses
which the candidate might like to teach.
Only complete applications will be considered.
Submit application to:
Jeffrey Kimpton, Director
(Music Theory Search)
University of Minnesota School of Music
200 FergH-2106 Fourth Street South
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0202
Application deadline: Postmarked by December 15, 1999
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have access to its programs, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, or veteran status.
Haverford College: Assistant Professor of Music
Haverford College - The Department of Music invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor with an earned doctorate in music theory, composition or musicology, to begin Fall 2000. Candidates should have demonstrated strengths in undergraduate theory teaching, a breadth of knowledge and interests suited to the study of music within the liberal arts, and a growing record of scholarly publication/creative work. Primary duties will be to share in the teaching and development of theory courses at all levels. Other courses will be determined in part by the special interests of the chosen candidate.
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae (include e-mail address), three letters of reference, and a letter describing creative or scholarly profile as well as teaching experience and interests relating to the position to:
Chair, Music Search Committee
Haverford College
Haverford, PA 19041-1392
Tel: (610) 896-1205
Fax: (610) 896-4904
Note: please do not send scores, tapes, or samples of written work at this time. Candidates should submit applications by November 15, 1999 in order to receive full consideration. For information about the Department of Music, please visit our web site at
Haverford College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
New England Conservatory: Faculty Position in Music Theory
Level & Duties: Teach potential professional musicians at all levels from basic musicianship to doctoral specialization in music theory as a member of the Departments of Undergraduate Music Theory and Graduate Theoretical Studies. The range of possible courses includes ear training/solfege, compositional techniques, diverse analytic approaches and topics; in addition, specialized courses in music theory, or connecting music theory to performance, composition, various repertoires of global music, and to relevant domains outside of music (mathematics, the human and physical sciences, history and philosophy). The specific duties will depend upon the needs of the departments and the particular interests and qualifications of the person selected.
Qualifications: Musician of distinction and committed teacher, with a demonstrated record of achievement; comprehensive professional education as a theorist, and experience connecting theory to performance and/or composition. A Master's degree is required; a Doctorate is desirable.
Salary: Negotiable depending upon qualifications and experience.
Starting Date: Fall, 2000
For initial consideration candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three or more letters of recommendation, and a three-page maximum abstract of their views on the appropriate theoretical training of musicians for the twenty-first century to:
Theory Search
Robert Cogan & Deborah Stein, Co-chairs
c/o Tonya King
New England Conservatory
290 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
Applications should be received before Dec. 20, 1999; at this time no scores, books and articles, recordings or other material.
University of Delaware: Assistant Professor of Music, Theory and Composition
POSITION/RANK: Assistant Professor of Music, Theory and Composition
INSTITUTION: University of Delaware
QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate Degree (Ph.D. or DMA). Experience teaching theory, composition, and related courses. Ability to work independently with undergraduate as well as graduate students and active as a composer.
DUTIES: Teach undergraduate theory courses for the non-majors and theory/composition courses for music majors. Teach upper-level theory and composition courses for the theory/composition majors and graduate level theory and composition courses.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: The Department of Music at the University of Delaware invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor, tenure-track, effective September 1, 2000. The University of Delaware is a private, state-assisted research university enrolling approximately 20,000 students located in Newark, Delaware. The Department of Music is an accredited member of the NASM and offers Bachelor of Music degrees in Applied Music and Music Education, and Theory and Composition; the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Music, and Master of Music degrees in Performance and Music Education. For further information about the department, visit the department's home page at <>.
The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer that encourages applications from Minority Group Members and Women.
ITEMS TO SEND: Send letter of application, current CV, representative compositions (and recordings if available), theory research materials (if available), and three letters of reference.
DEADLINE: January 28, 2000
Professor Michael Zinn
Chair, Theory Search Committee
Department of Music
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716-2560
University of Iowa: Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Music Theory. The appointment begins August 17, 2000 and salary is commensurate with experience.
Responsibilities: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in music theory, aural skills, and related areas, according to curricular needs and the candidate's abilities; supervise graduate research in music theory; serve on committees, and advise students.
Basic Qualifications: Ph.D. in music theory, completed by time of appointment; evidence of active research program or record of scholarly publication in primary research area; college or university teaching experience.
Desirable Qualifications: Teaching experience as a faculty member at college/university level; research emphasis in an area that compliments the specialization of the present faculty; ability to teach courses in the history of music theory.
To receive full consideration, applications should be received by December 3, 1999. Send letter of application, vita, three letters of reference, a summary of research interests, and a statement of teaching philosophy and strategies to:
Professor Michael Eckert
Chair; Music Theory Search Committee
1006 Voxman Music Building
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1795
The University of Iowa is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
St. Mary's College of Maryland: Assistant Professor, Music History/Theory & Ethnomusicology
The Department of Music invites applications for a tenure-track position in Music for the fall of 2000. The position is to be filled at the assistant professor rank, area of specialty open. Responsibilities include undergraduate courses (majors and non- majors) in music history and music theory, topics courses in ethnomusicology.
QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D./D.M.A. and strong record of teaching preferred, ABDs or equivalent professional experience will be considered. A commitment to continued professional activities, an interest in mentoring student projects, and a desire to participate in Departmental, Divisional, and all-College activities is expected.
St. Mary's College of Maryland is a public liberal arts college located 70 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. on the St. Mary's River. A Carnegie Baccalaureate 1 institution, St. Mary's College has been designated as the state's public honors college. The institution was awarded a Phi Beta Kappa chapter in 1997. Admission to the college is highly selective: the class of 2003 has an average SAT of 1233 and GPA of 3.4. The diverse and coeducational student body of 1600 completes a rigorous and unique curriculum, culminating in a yearlong senior project. The student:faculty ratio is 13 to 1.
The music department consists of 5 full-time faculty and 18 adjunct faculty providing academic and performance opportunities to approximately 200 major and non-major students.
A comprehensive program of support is provided for faculty, including professional travel, internal grants for research and teaching aid, paid pre-tenure leaves, and sabbaticals for tenured faculty. The quality of life is enhanced by the beauty and recreational opportunities of the Chesapeake Bay region and close proximity to the amenities of Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Richmond.
To apply, please send a cover letter (including an e-mail address), a curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to:
Prof. Jeffrey Silberschlag
Music Department Search Committee
St. Mary's College of Maryland
18952 E. Fisher Rd.
St. Mary's City, MD, 20686
Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. St. Mary's College of Maryland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
University of Connecticut: Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Responsibilities: Teach core courses in music theory (including aural skills) at the freshman and sophomore level; undergraduate and graduate courses in analysis; and specialized upper-division and graduate courses which may include counterpoint, composition class, Schenkerian theory, 20th-century theory, or history of theory, and special topics in the candidate's area of expertise. Direct research for masters, Ph.D. and D.M.A. students. Serve on department, school and university committees and perform other service as appropriate to the position.
Appointment: Assistant Professor in a position leading to tenure. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Effective date is August 23, 2000.
1) Completed Ph.D. in music theory
2) Successful college teaching experience in music theory.
3) Record of professional achievement and scholarly activity, and promise for
continued success in teaching, research and publication.
The Music Department: The Department of Music is fully accredited by NASM and has a current enrollment of approximately 180 undergraduate and 90 graduate majors, served by 21 full-time and 25 part-time faculty. Emphasis is placed on the areas of performance, music theory and history, and music education. Programs of study include the B.M., B.A., M.M., M.A., D.M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, and a Certificate in Performance. The Department is part of the School of Fine Arts, and is housed in renovated and newly constructed facilities completed in 1999.
General Information: Located in rural northeastern Connecticut, about halfway between New York and Boston, The University of Connecticut is the state's flagship university. With over 21,000 students, the University is consistently ranked among the top academic and research institutions in the United States.
Applications: Letter of application, resume, and other credentials (including at least three current letters of recommendation and list of references) should be sent to the address below. The position will remain open until filled, but preference will be given to applications received by January 15, 2000.
Robert Miller, Interim Head
Department of Music, Box U-12
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1012
The University of Connecticut is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from under-represented groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities.
University of Texas, Austin: Faculty Position in Music Theory
Beginning September 1, 2000
POSITION: Music Theorist
RANK & SALARY: Tenured or tenure-track; rank and salary commensurate with qualifications.
QUALIFICATIONS: Recognized scholar in the field of music theory or strong evidence of potential in this area. Record of effective teaching.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Teach theory courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels; direct graduate theses and dissertations. Ability to teach undergraduate modal and tonal counterpoint desired.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be postmarked no later than January 15, 2000. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and four letters of recommendation. Applications should be directed to:
Michael Tusa, Acting Director
School of Music
(Music Theory Position)
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1208
Supplemental materials may be requested after the initial review. Material sent by applicants requiring its return must be accompanied by prepaid postage/packing.
The University of Texas and the College of Fine Arts are committed to affirmative action. We are especially interested in the application of underrepresented minorities and women.
The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
University of Lethbridge (AB): Assistant Professor in Musicology
The University of Lethbridge School of Fine Arts, Division of Music, invites applications for a full time tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Musicology effective July 1, 2000, and subject to Board of Governor's approval.
A Ph.D. is the preferred degree, but candidates in the final stages of their doctoral work will be considered. The University aspires to hire individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and have potential to participate actively in the development and operation of the Division of Music and The School of Fine Arts. The successful candidate will be expected to teach core courses in the music history curriculum as well as other courses according to the Division's needs and the candidates' interest and expertise.
The School of Fine Arts, housed in the Centre for the Arts with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, offers degree programs in Music, Art, Drama, and Multimedia within the liberal arts education context and focuses on excellence in teaching and research/ creative activity. Founded in 1967, the University is located in southern Alberta, and has an enrollment of more than 6000 students. For more information about the University of Lethbridge, please visit our web site at
Candidates should submit an application describing interest and all areas of teaching expertise, along with a current curriculum vitae, official transcripts, and a statement of teaching philosophy, current research program, and samples of recent publications/performances. Arrange for material and three letters of reference from people who can assess teaching as well as research to be sent to the following by the closing date, February 1, 2000:
Dr. C.J. Skinner, Dean
School of Fine Arts
The University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 3M4
Tel: (403) 329-2155
Fax: (403) 382-7127
The University is an equal opportunity employer and offers a non-smoking environment. In accordance with Canadian Immigration regulations, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
University of Lethbridge (AB): Two-year faculty position in Composition/Theory
The University of Lethbridge School of Fine Arts, Division of Music, invites applications for a two year term position at the Assistant Professor level in Composition/Theory effective July 1, 2000 and subject to Board of Governor's approval.
A Ph.D. or D.M.A. is the preferred degree, but candidates in the final stages of their doctoral work will be considered. The University aspires to hire individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and have potential to participate actively in the development and operation of the Division of Music and The School of Fine Arts. The successful candidate will be expected to teach core courses in composition and theory as well as other courses according to the Division's needs and the candidates' interest and expertise. Teaching competence in some of the following areas would be an asset: studio, music and technology, and electro-acoustic music.
The School of Fine Arts, housed in the Centre for the Arts with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, offers degree programs in Music, Art, Drama, and Multimedia within the liberal arts education context and focuses on excellence in teaching and research/creative activity. Founded in 1967, the University is located in southern Alberta, and has an enrollment of more than 6000 students. For more information about the University of Lethbridge, please visit our web site at
Candidates should submit an application describing interest and all areas of teaching expertise, along with a current curriculum vitae, official transcripts, and a statement of teaching philosophy, current research program, and samples of recent publications/performances. Arrange for material and three letters of reference from people who can assess teaching as well as research to be sent to the following by the closing date, February 1, 2000:
Dr. C.J. Skinner, Dean
School of Fine Arts
The University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 3M4
Tel: (403) 329-2155
Fax: (403) 382-7127
The University is an equal opportunity employer and offers a non-smoking environment. In accordance with Canadian Immigration regulations, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
The Ross School (E. Hampton, NY): Teaching Assistant for Composer-in-Residence
The Ross School, an innovative laboratory school in East Hampton, New York, has recently inaugurated a globally interactive music composition project and seeks candidates for the position of Teaching Assistant for the Composer-In-Residence. The ideal candidate would be a highly organized individual with a background in classical, pop, and world music theory, keyboard playing skills, a knowledge of MIDI on the PC platform: Finale, Cakewalk and CuBase VST, sampling, and synthesis, MS Office, and great typing skills. Full-time position, excellent benefits.
Visit the website at Fax letter and CV to Laura VandeMark at the Ross School, (631)329-5248
Middle Tennessee State University: Faculty Position in Music Composition & Theory
POSITION/RANK: Music Composition & Theory
INSTITUTION: Middle Tennessee State University
QUALIFICATIONS: See job description for qualifications.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Middle Tennessee State University Department of Music seeks to fill a full-time, tenure-track position in Music Composition and Theory (#131370). The successful candidate must demonstrate outstanding potential as a composer and theorist, with a strong commitment to teaching composition and theory at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Doctorate or professional equivalent preferred, ABD considered; university teaching experience highly desirable.
Salary and rank commensurate with professional qualifications and experience. MTSU is an AA/EOE.
The Department of Music at MTSU is a comprehensive, rapidly growing program with over 300 majors, 29 full-time and 18 adjunct faculty, in a University with over 19,000 students. MTSU is located in a small city of approximately 60,000 just 30 miles south of Nashville. All music degree programs at MTSU are fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.
SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
ITEMS TO SEND: Submit letter of application referencing #131370, vita, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Candidates should not send additional supporting material until requested.
DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin March 1, 2000 and will continue until the position is filled.
George Pimentel
College of Liberal Arts Faculty Recruitment
MTSU Box 546
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Middle Tennessee State University: Faculty Position in Musicology/Ethnomusicology
POSITION/RANK: Musicology/Ethnomusicology
INSTITUTION: Middle Tennessee State University
QUALIFICATIONS: See job description for qualifications.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Middle Tennessee State University Department of Music seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Musicology/Ethnomusicology (#131380). The successful candidate will have (a) primary research interests in American Music with secondary research in ethnomusicological or Western classical topics, and (b) a strong commitment to teaching music history at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Doctorate or professional equivalent required, ABD considered; university teaching experience highly desirable. Salary and rank commensurate with candidate's professional qualifications and experience. MTSU is an AA/EOE.
The Department of Music at MTSU is a comprehensive, rapidly growing program with over 300 majors, 29 full-time and 18 adjunct faculty, in a University with over 19,000 students. MTSU is located in a small city of approximately 60,000 just 30 miles south of Nashville. All music degree programs at MTSU are fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.
SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
ITEMS TO SEND: Submit letter of application referencing #131380, vita, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. Candidates should not send additional supporting material until requested.
DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin March 1, 2000 and will continue until the position is filled.
George Pimentel
College of Liberal Arts Faculty Recruitment
MTSU Box 546
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
University of California, Santa Cruz: Assistant Professor of Jazz
The Music Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz invites applications for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track position. The Music Department offers undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees and a graduate program leading to the Master of Arts degree (Ph.D. program currently in final approval process). The department advocates the integration of music scholarship and performance. The Music Department is located in the newly completed Music Center which includes a 400-seat recital hall with recording facilities, special audio-equipped classrooms, individual practice and teaching studios, rehearsal space for ensembles, a gamelan studio, and studios for electronic and computer music. It is affiliated with Porter College, which is a community of students, faculty, and staff emphasizing the arts and forming part of the campus' unique collegiate structure.
This position entails five 5-unit courses per year, or their equivalent, in accordance with the department's workload policy. The campus operates on a schedule of three 11-week quarters per academic year.
Duties: The primary duties are:
1. Teaching jazz history, jazz theory, and Western music theory and
2. Teaching other courses according to qualifications and curricular needs,
e.g., Blues and other African-American musics, music of sub-Saharan Africa, etc.
3. Actively undertaking and participating in service including: advising and
mentoring students and administrative responsibilities for the Department,
Porter College, and campus.
4. Actively engaging in creative/research activities.
RANK: Assistant Professor, Step I-II (no other rank will be considered).
SALARY: $44,300 - 46,800, commensurate with qualifications and experience.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Doctorate in music or relevant field of study (or equivalent professional experience) should be in hand or less than one year from completion at time of appointment.
Demonstrated potential for excellence in creative/scholarly work and teaching, university level teaching preferred. (Applicants nearing completion of their doctoral dissertations should have their thesis director send a letter indicating the projected date of completion.)
POSITION AVAILABLE: Fall Quarter 2000.
Applicants should send the following:
1. letter of application;
2. curriculum vitae;
3. list of three references from whom the applicant has requested confidential
letters of recommendation. (Note: Referees should be asked to send letters
directly to the Music Department by the closing date of January 7, 2000.)
4. Evaluations of teaching from former students, if possible.
5. ONE recording AND/OR ONE article or scholarly publication. These will not be
Label any recordings with the following information:
NB: Additional creative and scholarly work and a non-returnable VHS video recording of the candidate's teaching will be requested of candidates on the short list. Please do not send at this time.
Jazz Search Committee
Music Department - 244 Music Center
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Please refer to provision #111 in your reply.
Questions regarding the department or position may be addressed to:
CLOSING DATE: All materials must be postmarked by January 7, 2000. Review of files will begin immediately after the deadline.
McGill University: Assistant Professor, Music, Media, and Technology
POSITION/RANK: Assistant Professor, Music, Media, and Technology (tenure track).
INSTITUTION: McGill University, Faculty of Music, Department of Theory.
QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D.; those close to completion are encouraged to apply.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: The Department is seeking someone with a background in both music, and audio and/or acoustics, who would contribute to the ongoing development and expansion of a Ph.D. program in this field. Preference will be given to applicants able to support our work in network-based multimedia. An active research profile is required. Teaching duties will entail the teaching of undergraduate courses and graduate seminars, and the supervision of Master's and Doctoral students in music technology. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. McGill University is committed to equity in employment.
ITEMS TO SEND: Curriculum vitae and statement of current research. Letters of reference will be requested when required.
DEADLINE: When the position is filled.
Wieslaw Woszczyk, Chair
Department of Theory
Faculty of Music
McGill University
555 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, QC
H3A 1E3
Tel: (514) 398-4540
fax: (514) 398-1540
University of Cambridge: Senior Computing Technician, Faculties of Music and English
Applications are invited for the post of Senior Computing Technician in the Faculties of Music and of English. This is officially two posts (Music 60%, English, 40%) but will be filled by one person. The post is at technician grade T4, with salary scale #13,595-16,721 p.a.
Candidates should be in possession of an appropriate qualification (at least H.N.D.-level) and have experience relevant to the assistance of staff and students in a wide range of computer applications in teaching and research in arts subjects, and particularly in music.
For further particulars please write to:
Mrs. Sue Round
Secretary of the Faculty Board of Music
Faculty of Music
West Road
Cambridge, CB3 1DP
tel: 01223 762057
fax: 01223 335067
or see:
Applications should reach the Faculty by Friday 7th January 2000 at the latest. The University follows an equal opportunities policy.
Buffalo State College: Assistant Professor of Music History/Theory
POSITION: Assistant Professor/Music History and Theory
INSTITUTION: Buffalo State College-SUNY, Buffalo, NY
APPOINTMENT DATE: September 2000.
QUALIFICATIONS: a terminal degree in Music with demonstrated concentration in music history and theory; strong presentation and communication skills; demonstrated ability to work in a collaborative environment with a commitment to collegiality and the campus mission statement. Music history background in ethnomusicology and 20th century strongly preferred; other preferred qualifications include applied area of piano; college- level teaching experience in music history and theory; ability to supervise music computer lab (experience with Finale preferred); demonstrated ability to create a nurturing environment for a diverse community.
DUTIES: include teaching all periods of music history, second year music theory, and an applied area of the applicant's expertise. Additional duties may include teaching classes related to a proposed Music Education degree, including class piano, and supervision of the music computer lab. Continuous development of curriculum and scholarly/creative activities and work on academic advisement and departmental committees are also required.
CONTACT: Send letter of application, vita/resume, transcripts, and three recent letters of reference to:
Thomas Witakowski
Search Committee Chair
Performing Arts Department
RH 203
Buffalo State College
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222-1095
DEADLINE: Screening begins January 15, 2000 and will continue until position is
Williams College: Assistant Professor, Theory/Composition
POSITION: The Department of Music at Williams College announces a full-time, tenure track appointment beginning in the fall of 2000, for a composer to teach undergraduate composition and theory. Secondary interests might include music technology, film music, or musical theater.
DUTIES: Courses may include first or second year theory, composition, music technology, and other courses reflecting specific interests of the candidate. The course load at Williams is 5 courses per year.
RANK: Assistant Professor, tenure track, senior appointment possible in exceptional circumstances.
QUALIFICATIONS: College teaching experience desirable. Ph.D. or D.M.A. completed within one year of appointment.
APPLICATIONS: A letter of application, detailed resume and three letters of reference should be sent by December 22, 1999. All application materials must be in the form of hard copy submitted
Applications should be submitted to:
Composer Search Committee
Department of Music
Williams College
54 Chapin Hall Dr.
Williamstown, MA 01267
DEPARTMENT: The music department has 9 full-time faculty and a number of Artists in Residence, Adjunct Teachers and Ensemble Directors employed on a part-time basis. The department maintains an active musical life with approximately 100 concerts each year including those by the Williams Chamber Choir, Berkshire Symphony, Student Symphony, Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Winds, Kusika and the Zambezi Marimba Band, Williams Chamber Players, student chamber groups and visiting artists and ensembles. The department's mission is to provide courses for the general student as well as specialized courses for the music major. Further information is available at
THE COLLEGE: Founded in 1793 with funds bequeathed by Colonel Ephraim Williams, the college is an undergraduate, residential, privately endowed, coeducational, liberal arts institution. The faculty numbers approximately 235 and the student population about 2000. The college is located in the Northern Berkshires of Massachusetts, 135 miles from Boston and 157 miles from New York City.
As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, Williams College especially welcomes applications from women and minority candidates.
Hillsdale College (MI): Faculty Position, Music Theory/Composition
POSITION/RANK: Music Theory/Composition
INSTITUTION: Hillsdale College
QUALIFICATIONS: Masters required: doctorate preferred. Knowledge of the application of computer technology in the teaching of music theory and composition required.
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Coordinate the theory/composition program for music education and performance majors as well as music minors and non-majors. Will coordinate and advise in the development of a computer lab for the instruction of theory and composition. Must be willing to work with majors and non-majors in a liberal arts setting. The ability to teach a broad range of music courses is desirable.
SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
ITEMS TO SEND: A letter of application should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references, including three letters of recommendation.
DEADLINE: Applications are encouraged by February 11, 2000. However, applications will continue to be accepted until the position has been filled.
Professor James A. Holleman
Music Department Chair
Sage Center for the Arts
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, Michigan 49242
(517) 437-7341
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This page prepared by
Michael W. Toler, Editorial Assistant
14 November 2002