Volume 9, Number 2, July 2003
Copyright © 2003 Society for Music Theory

Employment Listings


Texas Tech University

POSITION: Music Theory/Composition. One-year interim positionbeginning August 2003. Rank of Visiting Assistant Professor. Nationalsearch for permanent tenure-track position will begin in Fall 2003. Applicants for the interim position are encouraged to reapply for thepermanent position.

QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated excellence in teaching graduate andundergraduate music theory, aural skills, and/or composition. Mastersrequired, Doctorate preferred.

DUTIES: Teach graduate and/or undergraduate music theory, aural skills,and/or composition courses; serve on faculty committees; assist incoordinating the music theory curriculum; and participate in normalfaculty service activities.

SCHOOL: The School of Music enrolls approximately 450 majors, about 20%of whom are graduate students. A faculty of 51 offers a full range ofdegree programs, including the Bachelor of Music (performance, musiceducation, composition, theory), Bachelor of Arts, Master of Music(performance, conducting, theory, music history and literature), Masterof Music Education, Doctor of Musical Arts (performance, conducting,composition, piano pedagogy), and the Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts(performance, conducting, theory, composition, music education, musichistory and literature). The Ph.D. in Fine Arts program, embracing aninterdisciplinary core of art, philosophy, theater, and music, hasmerited national attention and commendation for its unique combinationof artistic and intellectual breadth with depth of focus in the primaryarea of emphasis. The School of Music is a member of the new College ofVisual and Performing Arts at Texas Tech University. Former studentshave distinguished themselves in performance, teaching andadministrative careers.

UNIVERSITY/COMMUNITY: Texas Tech University is a state-supported majorresearch institution with a comprehensive mission and a full complementof on-campus professional schools. With an enrollment of more than27,000 students, the university is located in Lubbock, Texas, ametropolitan area of over 200,000 people enjoying a favorable climateand low cost of living. In addition to the activities of the School ofMusic, the cultural life of Lubbock includes the Lubbock SymphonyOrchestra, the Lubbock Ballet, and KOHM-FM, a university-supported NPRaffiliate.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please send letter of application, curriculumvitae, and at least three (3) current letters of recommendation (orplacement file) to:

Nancy Cochran, Director
School of Music
P.O. Box 42033
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas 79409-2033

Review of applications will begin May 31, 2003 and will continue untilthe position is filled.

Texas Tech University is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer, isresponsive to the needs of dual-career couples, and has aninstitution-wide commitment to diversity.

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Davidson College

Davidson College invites applications for a one-year replacementposition in music to begin August 1, 2003. Responsibilities will includeteaching three courses a year and conducting the Davidson CollegeSymphony Orchestra. Terminal degree preferred. Ability to program fortalented, non-major, liberal arts students is essential. Possiblecourses include offerings in European music history, appreciation,ethnomusicology, theory, or U.S. popular music.

The appointment is expected to be at the Visiting Assistant Professorlevel.

Please mail a letter of application, curriculum vita, a video of arehearsal and/or concert, and three confidential letters of reference toRaymond Sprague, Chair, Department of Music, Box 7131, Davidson College,Davidson, NC 28035-7131. Applications will be considered until theposition is filled.

Kaplan/Newsweek recently singled out the Music Department at DavidsonCollege in their list of the U.S.'s 12 "hottest schools." Overall,Davidson College is consistently ranked among the top ten liberal artscolleges in the country. The new Sloan Music Center is equipped forhigh-level music making and classroom teaching. Recent music majors haveenjoyed successes competing for fellowships and graduate schooladmissions. For more information, please visit our website:

Davidson College is an Equal Opportunity Employer; women and minoritiesare encouraged to apply.

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Dalhousie University

DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY: Applications are invited for an appointment inthe Department of Music, at the Instructor level, effective Sept.1,2003. This position is subject to budgetary approval. Duties willinclude teaching musicianship at 1st and/or 2nd-year levels,orchestration, foundation-level theory and elementary keyboard skills;choral conducting will become a component of this position. Thesuccessful candidate will be expected to liaise with regional schoolsfor the purpose of recruitment and of developing increased standards foruniversity-prepatory training in rudiments and aural skills.

Qualifications: B. Mus. or Master's degree; extensive and successfulteaching in the listed subjects; enthusiasm for teaching basic skills;working knowledge of regional school system; and documented professionalexperience in standard choral literature, including major works withinstrumental accompaniment.

Applications must be received by June 20, 2003. Send letter ofapplication and curriculum vitae to Dr. Jennifer Bain, Chair ofInstructor Search Committee, Dalhousie University, Dept. of Music,Dalhousie Arts Centre, Halifax, NS B3H 3J5. Three letters ofrecommendation should be sent directly by referees.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians andpermanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is anEmployment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The Universityencourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with adisability, racially visible persons and women.

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Butler University


POSITION: Music Theory/Musicology. One-year interim position beginningAugust 2003. Rank of Visiting Instructor, non-tenure track. Nationalsearch for permanent tenure-track position will begin in Fall 2003. Applicants for the interim position are encouraged to reapply for thepermanent position.

QUALIFICATIONS: Terminal degree in theory, musicology, ethnomusicology,or composition. ABD applicants will also be considered. Teachingexperience at the college level required.

DUTIES: Teach undergraduate music theory, aural skills, introduction toworld music, and a graduate music research (bibliography) course. Somechange of assignment may occur, depending on background or needs.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please send letter of application, curriculumvitae, and at least three current letters of recommendation (orplacement file) to:
Jeff Gillespie, Search Committee Chair
Department of Music
Jordan College of Fine Arts
Butler University
4600 Sunset Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46208

Review of applications will begin June 20, 2003 and will continue untilthe position is filled.

Butler University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed toenhancing the diversity of the student body and its faculty and staff;therefore, women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

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American University


The Department of Performing Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences atAmerican University invites applications for a one-year temporaryfaculty position beginning fall semester 2003 at the rank of AssistantProfessor. Masters degree in music required; Doctorate or ABD preferred. Proven ability to effectively teach majors, minors, and non-majors inmusic, and proven success in the field of theory and/or composition. Responsibilities include: teaching undergraduate courses in musictheory; general education courses in music; supervision of musictechnology lab; student advising, including mentoring women and minoritystudents; and service to the department. Review of applications willbegin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Pleasesend letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters ofrecommendation that speak to teaching skills, and appropriate samplesyllabi to: Music Theory Search Committee, Department of PerformingArts, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016-8053. Department Web site: and HumanResources Web site: AmericanUniversity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employercommitted to a diverse faculty, staff, and student body. Women andminorities are encouraged to apply.

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American University (American Vernacular Music/Jazz Position)

American University

The Department of Performing Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences atAmerican University invites applications for a one-year temporaryfaculty position beginning fall semester 2003 at the rank of AssistantProfessor. Masters degree in music required; Doctorate or ABD preferred.Proven ability to effectively teach majors, minors, and non-majors inmusic, and proven success in the field of American Vernacular Music.Responsibilities include: teaching undergraduate general educationcourses in music, appreciation classes (such as Jazz and/or Rock Music),possible teaching in music theory or music history area, possibleconducting of Jazz ensemble, student advising, including mentoring womenand minority students; and service to the department. Review ofapplications will begin immediately and continue until the position isfilled. Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, threeletters of recommendation that speak to teaching skills, and appropriatesample syllabi to: Music Search: American Music/Jazz, Department ofPerforming Arts, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW,Washington, DC 20016-8053. Department Web and Human Resources Web American University is an equalopportunity, affirmative action employer committed to a diverse faculty,staff, and student body. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

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Tufts University

Tufts University
One-Semester, Part-Time Position in Music Theory,Spring 2004

The Department of Music at Tufts University announces a one-semester,part-time position in music theory, beginning January 2004. One courseto be taught: Principles of Tonal Theory II (the second semester of athree-term series for music majors). We seek a creative scholar withbroad interests and evidence of strong teaching abilities. Ph.D or ABDand teaching experience required.

Review of applications begins July 16, 2003, and continues until theposition is filled. Please send a cover letter, CV, and two letters ofrecommendation to Professor Janet Schmalfeldt, Chair, Music TheorySearch, Department of Music, Tufts University, 48 Professors Row,Medford, MA 02155.

Tufts University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty. Members ofunderrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

(781) 641-3317

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University of Massachusetts Amherst

The University of Massachusetts Amherst Department of Music and Danceseeks applications for Music Theory Non-Tenure-Track Appointments (2)beginning September 1, 2003.

Position: The Department seeks applications to fill two, full-timepositions in Music Theory for the 2003-2004 academic year.

Responsibilities: Core responsibilities will include teachingundergraduate and graduate courses in theory and analysis, with thepossibility of teaching courses in aural skills and other areas ofspecialization.

Requirements: A doctorate or ABD in Music Theory and current researchactivity in the field of Music Theory. Both positions require a recordof excellence in college or university teaching. A background in thepedagogy of theory is desirable.

Rank and Salary: Dependent on qualifications.

Application Deadline: Review of applications begins June 27, 2003; theprocess will remain open until the positions are filled.

Procedure: Applicants should send a current curriculum vitae, coverletter, representative samples of scholarship, evidence of excellence inteaching, and a minimum of three current letters of reference to:

Prof. Gary S. Karpinski
Music Theory Search
Department of Music and Dance
University of Massachusetts
FAC, Rm. 273
Amherst, MA 01003

The University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action/EqualEmployment Opportunity Institution. Women and members of minoritygroups are encouraged to apply.

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Ohio State University

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Music Cognition
School of Music, Ohio State University

The School of Music at the Ohio State University is pleased to offer a Post-doctoral Fellowship in Music Cognition/Music Theory. The fellowship provides one year of support for full-time music research. Candidates choose their own program of research, although preference is given to studies in listening, performance, analysis, modeling and cross-cultural phenomena. The fellowship is designed to further a candidate's training and research experience in music cognition and systematic approaches to music theory. The stipend for a twelve-month period is roughly $27,000 plus health benefits. Candidates must have completed a doctoral degree at the time the fellowship begins.

The Fellowship is open to any individual who has been awarded a doctoral degree within the past seven years, and who did not receive an MFA or doctorate from the Ohio State University. Untenured faculty at other institutions are eligible to apply.

The deadline for receipt of applications is July 31st, 2003. The fellowship is to begin no earlier than September 1, 2003 and preferably no later than November 1, 2003.

Applications should include a covering letter and supporting documents. The covering letter should include (1) a description of the candidate's background, training, recent scholarly interests, and career goals, (2) a research plan that specifies the candidate's proposed area of research, and (3) a specified starting date of appointment.

Supporting documents should include a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation from persons not employed by the Ohio State University, and an official transcript showing the awarding of a doctorate (sent by the university conferring the degree). If the doctorate is pending, indicate the anticipated date of completion. N.B. Fellowships cannot be taken up prior to the completion of the doctorate.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. David Huron prior to submitting their applications.

Letters of application and all supporting material must be received by July 31, 2003.

Prof. David Huron
School of Music, 110 Weigel Hall
1866 North College Road
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1170

For further information contact Prof. David Huron or visit

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prepared by
Stanley V. Kleppinger, editorial assistant
Updated 05 July 2003