Volume 11, Number 1, March 2005
Copyright � 2005 Society for Music Theory

Editor's Message

Our first volume of 2005 features a special issue on Performance and Analysis, with articles and commentaries based on a session of papers organized by Daphne Long and presented at the 2004 SMT conference in Seattle. Robert Hatten provides an Introduction.

The three articles integrate ethnographic and qualitative accounts of performance preparation, analytical and interpretive perspectives, and musical performances included as audio files. In "Prompting Performance: Text, Script, and Meaning in Bryn Harrison's être-temps," Nicholas Cook focuses on the interpretive process of pianist Philip Thomas in performing a work by British composer, Bryn Harrison. William Rothstein's "Like Falling off a Log: Rubato in Chopin's Prelude in A-flat Major, Op. 28 No. 17" includes his performance of the piece. In "Virtuosity in Babbitt's Lonely Flute," Daphne Leong and Elizabeth McNutt.examine Milton Babbitt's None but the Lonely Flute (1991) from the points of view of flutist and theorist.

Janet Schmalfeldt is the session respondent. There is also an answering response from Daphne Leong and Elizabeth McNutt and a "Postscript on Process" by Elizabeth McNutt.

We also offer two reviews in the volume: Robert Hatten reviews Berthold Hoeckner's book, Programming the Absolute: Nineteenth-Century German Music and the Hermeneutics of the Moment (Princeton University Press, 2002). Peter Kaminsky reviews Beatlestudies 3: Proceedings of the BEATLES 2000 Conference (Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä Press, 2001).

The issue includes listings of recently completed dissertations, job opportunities, and general announcements.

Submissions to MTO are welcome at any time. We encourage readers to post their reactions to this issue's articles and review. The mto-talk email list is available to MTO subscribers (subscription is free) for online discussion of any MTO -related topic. To post to mto-talk, simply send an email message to . Longer responses may be submitted to the Editor for publication in the Commentary section of the next issue.

All MTO volumes dating back to our first issue in 1993 can be accessed from the contents page at

Thank you for your support of MTO!

Timothy Koozin, Editor      
Music Theory Online
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-3318

prepared by
Tim Koozin, Editor
Updated03 March 2005