ABSTRACT: David Huron's Humdrum Toolkit is a set of software tools created for computer-assisted musical research. This review describes and evaluates the Toolkit and the music representation schemes that support it.
[1.2] The Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities
(CCARH) at Stanford has an ongoing musical database project;
among other items virtually all of J.S. Bach's oeuvre has been
electronically encoded. Of vital importance to such a task's
usefulness is the format of musical representation within the
database. As the success of computer-assisted
becomes more widely apparent, musical representation schemes are
likely to proliferate, jockeying for position until such time as
some sort of standard is agreed upon. The evaluation of
representation schemes has been a hot topic in the
not-so-distant past;
[2] Humdrum comprises two distinct aspects, corresponding to the representation and manipulation of musical data. First, there is the syntax defined for representing discrete information as a series of records in a computer file. Its definition allows for many kinds of information to be encoded; the scheme used in the CCARH database for essential musical pitch and duration information is just one of an open-ended set--some other members of which I mention below--that may be augmented by user-defined schemes for specific research tasks. Second, there is the set of commands, the Humdrum Toolkit, devised to manipulate files that conform to the Humdrum syntax in the name of machine-aided research in music. The emphasis here should be on "aided": Humdrum possesses no higher-level analytical faculties per se. Rather, its power derives from the flexibility of its kit of elemental commands, which the user must learn to use in combination to exploit fully the system's potential.
[3.1] Before discussing the ways in which the
Toolkit can be used
it will be helpful to inspect the conventions of one particular
Humdrum representation, by means of a musical fragment. Example
1 (below) contains the first two phrases of the Bach chorale "Nun
danket alle Gott" in Humdrum's core pitch/duration representation
scheme, **kern.
EXAMPLE 1 !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian !!!OTL: Nun danket alle Gott !!!ENC: Wild, Jon **kern **kern **kern **kern *A: *A: *A: *A: 4AA 4c# 4a 4ee =1 =1 =1 =1 8A 4c# 4a 4ee 8B . . . 8c# 4c# 4a 4ee 8A . . . 8D 4d 4a 4ff# 8E . . . 8F# 4d 4a 4ff# 8D . . .
[3.2] A Humdrum file is comprised of a series of records, each taking up one line. The four columns that follow the reference records are termed spines; they are separated by tab characters. Events in the same data record occur simultaneously, while events in the same spine but in distinct data records occur sequentially. The heading **kern, which is the exclusive interpretation of each spine here, signifies that the information within concerns pitch and duration. A file may contain any number of spines with various exclusive representations; in this example each spine represents one voice of a four-part chorale. The fifth data record of example 1 contains a tandem interpretation for each spine which denotes the key of the excerpt; other tandem interpretations within **kern contain information about meter signature, tempo, instrument etc.
[3.3] A **kern representation may be thought of as a rotation, 90-clockwise, of the musical score. Thus the leftmost spine corresponds to the lowest voice, and time runs down the page instead of left to right. Additional spines, possibly running concurrently with **kern, could contain either fairly straightforward things, such as vocal text (**text representation) or a Roman-numeral harmonic analysis (**harm representation), or relatively abstruse information such as cochlear coordinates (**cocho), sensory dissonance (**diss) or acoustic spectral data (**spect). Some of these other representations can be generated as output by commands operating on a **kern spine or set of spines. For example, the pcset command would automatically append to the chorale in example 1 a **pcset spine that labeled each simultaneity by its Fortean set-class name, prime-form or interval vector. The data for a **harm spine, on the other hand, must be entered manually (until a dependable machine algorithm for harmonic analysis is developed).
[3.4] Each encoded note in example 1 has at least two parts, corresponding respectively to the note's duration and pitch: an integer, and one or more upper- or lower-case letters. The integer represents duration via the reciprocal of the North-American note-value; for example, a quarter-note by "4" and a sixteenth-note by "16." A breve (length of two whole-notes) takes the special value 0. Eighth-note triplets would each be allotted the integer 12--since they each span a third of a quarter-note, logically they are twelfth-notes. A note participating in a septuplet in the time of a dotted quarter-note would receive the value 28 (one seventh of a quarter-note, or a 28th-note) augmented by a dot; a further subdivision of this note into three parts would yield a dotted 84th-note (!). This convention may at first appear opaque, but manages succinctly and consistently to express almost all durations. Exceptions that spring to mind include the admittedly obscure odd subdivisions of a breve, such as whole-note triplets (three to a breve), and such Ferneyhoughian atrocities as "four in the time of three notes of a quintuplet," which require the use of superfluous ties and/or dots.
[3.5] The lower- or upper-case letters denote the pitch-class and
octave of a note; chromatic alterations are of course also
provided for, as are a large number of articulation markings
(such as the tie in the alto part of ex. 1, shown by the square
brackets), ornaments, editorialisms, and stem and beam
indicators. It is important to note that each of the components
of a note's representation is optional: a file containing
durations only could be compiled were one's object to
investigate solely the rhythmic character of a set of melodies.
Rests are indicated by combining a reciprocal duration with the
letter "r"; the frequent period characters are merely place
markers, "null tokens" in a data record with activity in another
spine. Barlines appear as records with a leading
equals sign;
an elaborate system of visual correspondences distinguishes
between various forms of double barlines and/or repeat signs.
Dynamics are conspicuously absent in **kern, and indeed do not
appear in any of the pre-defined representation schemes
documented in the manual
[3.6] As may be surmised, thoroughly encoding a piece of music can
be a fairly laborious process. Unless electronic editions of
the works under investigation happen to be available, either
commercially or in the public domain, this is likely to be the
biggest impediment to a researcher's making use of Humdrum.
While there are functions designed for capturing data from a
MIDI controller (encode and record), it may often be simpler to
enter **kern data manually once one is familiar with the
encoding format--especially when reduced information suffices
for the task at hand. With the advent of a reliable Optical
Music Recognition system, under development at McGill University
and elsewhere, a program could certainly be written to scan a
monophonic score directly into a Humdrum file. But with more
complex input such as found in, say, a late Romantic piano work,
it will be some time before a computer can correctly parse the
music into meaningful strands suitable for Humdrum spines--an
inner part crossing between staves is apt to cause confusion
even in music students, let alone in a segmentation program.
Automated translation of a standard MIDI file into a Humdrum
format offers the same problems (although the opposite
conversion, from any one of several Humdrum formats to a
standard MIDI file, is possible and indeed implemented in the
tool kit).
[3.7] While here is not the place for a detailed examination of all the various pre-defined Humdrum formats, a couple more will serve as additional examples to **kern. The tablature representation for fretted instruments, **fret, is particularly well developed, and can accommodate non-standard and non-Western instruments. The tuning of each string and the exact position of each fret are specified in tandem interpretations, and detailed information is encoded in each data record about which strings are plucked, how they are plucked, and at which fret. The **IPA scheme phonetically represents vocal texts via an ASCII alphabet, and includes stress and intonation information. The "formant" command can be used to generate a spine with the two strongest formant frequencies of each vowel encoded in the **IPA representation.
[4.1] The "active" component of Humdrum, as compared to the
"passive" syntax and representation schemes, is the kit of tools
for manipulating data files that conform to the Humdrum syntax.
Once the Toolkit is installed, commands are invoked via a
standard UNIX terminal, and the bulk of a researcher's work will
probably rely on ordinary UNIX commands such as "grep" or "sort."
A modicum of familiarity with this operating system is required
for the aspiring Humdrummer to embark on a research project, and
the more at ease he or she is in a UNIX environment the sooner
Humdrum will be mastered. There are roughly a
dozen basic UNIX
commands that a user should be able to negotiate, but no
introduction to this basic knowledge within the current Humdrum
[4.2] A glance at the names of most Humdrum commands reveals very
little about their purpose: only a small minority of them, such
as "tran" (transpose), "reihe" (give variant row form), "iv"
(determine interval vectors) and "freq" (return frequency in Hz),
have any obvious musical significance. And, as noted in the
reference manual, these tend to be the least useful commands,
since they are so specialized. The nature of many
of the basic
commands taken individually is quite abstract. To give an idea
of their scope in combination, as well as of the working
environment of Humdrum, here follows a modest sample problem we
might wish to answer.
[5.1] In what proportion are leading-tones in Bach chorale
melodies approached from beneath, and in what proportion from
If we are unaided by a computer, the question will pose no
special problem as long as we restrict the number of chorales we
wish to consider: for some purposes a few will suffice and the
appropriate notes can easily be counted by hand. But should we
wish to consider a large number of chorales, our task will be
considerably easier--and will provide more reliable answers--if
we let the computer do the counting. Let us work
through the
steps involved, assuming the existence of a file containing
encoded versions of several Bach chorales.
extract -p 4 chorales > temp1
where the "-p 4" indicates the fourth spine, and "temp1" is the name of the temporary file we are creating for the extracted spine.
[5.2] The original file represents notes by their pitch. We need scale-degree information instead, in order to locate leading-tones. The command "deg" will convert a file of **kern data records into a file of **deg records, where each note appears as a number from 1 to 7, representing its scale degree. The calculation is relative to the current key, as specified in key tandem interpretation records in the file. We also require contour information; happily the **deg representation includes a direction indicator: the lower-case letter v signifies "lower than previous note" and the caret ^ signifies "higher than previous note." The next step in our sample problem is thus:
deg -x temp1 > temp2
where the "-x" removes certain extraneous data. The new file, temp2, will begin something like this:
!!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian !!!XEN: J.S. Bach Chorale Harmonizations !!!OTL: Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist !!!ONM: No. 9 !!!SCT: BWV 454 **deg ! soprano *M4/4 *G: 1 . =1 1 . ^2 ..[etc.]
[5.3] This is quite a messy file, for it includes comments (records with leading exclamation marks), null tokens (records containing only the period punctuation sign) and bar-lines (records with leading equals signs). We could invoke the Humdrum "rid" command to get "rid" of the items superfluous to our inquiry, but it is not strictly necessary. For our purposes the only records that matter are those which contain the digit 7, for the leading-tone, and start with an up or down sign (^ or v). We can use the UNIX command "grep" (Get Regular ExPression) to comb the file under scrutiny for a target string, and output only those lines containing at least one occurrence of the string. The target-string syntax will no doubt be obscure to those unfamiliar with UNIX regular expressions; leaving that aside for now, the following command (working on the file previously generated):
grep ^[v^]7 temp2 > temp3 will yield the following file, called temp3: ^7 v7 v7 ^7 v7- ..[etc.]
[5.4] Notice that a few records with a minus sign
appear in this
file. These represent lowered seventh scale-degrees such as may
occur in a tonicization of IV, or in the mediant area of a
minor-key chorale.
grep -v [-] temp3 > temp4
[5.5] The original file has been whittled down to
a series of
records that contain exclusively unlowered leading-tones along
with directional information. The final step will be to compare
the frequency of occurrence of ^7 to that of v7. This requires
the standard UNIX compound command sort | uniq -c | sort, which
removes all duplicate lines from a file, recording the number of
occurrences of each, and returns the contents in increasing
order of frequency.
sort temp4 | uniq -c | sort
[5.6] The sequence of commands given above generated a chain of intermediate, "junk" files--Humdrum and UNIX commands generally create new files, leaving those they worked on intact. Instead the whole process, once designed and tested on a shorter file, could be amalgamated in a "pipeline" of commands, each passing its result to the next through the UNIX "pipe" (typed as |):
extract -p 4 chorales | deg -x | grep ^[v^]7 | grep -v [-] | sort | uniq -c | sort
The final output will look something like this:
15 ^7 22 v7
indicating that, within the sample of sixteen chorales, Bach approached the leading tone from above roughly 50% more often than from below.
[5.7] As we can gather from the above, the
difficulty in
implementing the machine-aided solution does not lie in
understanding the functioning of the individual commands, but in
devising an appropriate way to combine them. The advantages of
a machine-aided solution to this problem are threefold. First,
extremely large amounts of music could be processed with no
extra work on the part of the researcher, and the task would
remain tractable within a reasonable length of time.
[6.1] The manual divides the Toolkit into the categories of specialized and basic tools. Specialized tools work only on a particular subset of exclusive representations. Two that crop up frequently in standard analytical applications derive harmonic and melodic intervals from **kern-type spines; these are respectively invoked by "hint" and "mint." Alternative representations of pitch are generated from a **kern spine by the commands "cents" (distance in hundredths of a semitone from a reference point), "freq" (frequency in Hz), "semits" (semitones away from a reference point), and several others, which could all be useful depending on the nature of one's research. (I personally can't imagine an application for the **solfg representation, which encodes pitch as French solfege syllables, but should anyone dream one up Humdrum is prepared.) There are several advanced commands that calculate numerical results from spines already present, such as "spect," which assembles sonorities' spectral content for acoustical tasks, "synco," which gives a measure of metric syncopation for each note, and "diss," which implements the Kameoka/Kuriyagawa measure of dissonance. The algorithms that perform the calculations are well documented, where applicable.
[6.2] The "perform" command plays back the
contents of a Humdrum
MIDI file, converted from a **kern file by the midi command (and
further convertible to a standard MIDI file by the smf command,
for exporting to a sequencer or other external application
[6.3] Basic tools, contrary to specialized tools, do their work on any representation scheme. Many of them combine or dissociate spines, files or parts of files as intermediate steps in a problem's solution; these include "assemble," "extract," "rend," "yank," and "cleave" (this last command is used in the older sense, of "join", as in "a man shall cleave unto his wife," rather than its opposite, as in "rock of ages, cleft for me"). There are also several tools useful for statistical and information-theoretical measures; these include "correl," which provides a coefficient of correlation between the numeric data in two spines, "simil," which measures the similarity between two spines based on typographical "edit distance," "infot," which describes the flow of information, and "scramble" which randomizes data records for control purposes.
[6.4] Two very powerful basic tools deserve special mention: "patt" and "pattern," which differ only slightly in their functioning. Each allows the user to define a pattern in a template that should match one or a sequence of data records in the file, not necessarily contiguous. Humdrum will proceed exhaustively to locate patterns in the encoded selection that match the template. Patterns can be horizontal (simultaneous), vertical (sequential within one spine), or even diagonal (useful for identifying Klangfarbenmelodie or other "threaded" patterns), and can be defined as explicitly or as "fuzzily" as is needed. The researcher can use other representations than **kern in conjunction with these tools--for example to discover idiomatic fingering patterns from a **fretrepresentation, or particular harmonic progressions from a **harm representation. There is a considerable art involved in correctly defining the target template; readers familiar with UNIX regular expression syntax, crucial here in the creation of a template, will appreciate the niceties involved in fine-tuning an expression that is to be sought. The manual justly includes an tutorial in regular-expression syntax, and is at its best in this exceedingly clear section dealing with what in other hands could easily have appeared especially cryptic. Humdrum also provides for interactive checking of a regular expression against a user-definable test file, via the command "regexp."
[6.5] The demonstration program bundled with the Toolkit solves
ten problems on screen, explaining each step as it is
implemented. To work through the problems myself I found I had
to refer to the shell scripts containing the commands that
actually perform the manipulations, rather than the onscreen
versions, which are somewhat simplified. Half of the sample
problems incorporate audio illustrations; they include locating
all occurrences of "B-A-C-H" in a Brandenburg Concerto and a
comparison of syncopation in George Gershwin and Stephen Foster.
The reference manual gives several other examples of questions
that Humdrum could be used to answer; they include: Are
crescendos in Wagner more strongly associated with rising pitch
than is the case with other composers? In Bartok, are
dissonances more common in strong metric positions than in weak
metric positions? In Urdu folk songs, how common is the
so-called "melodic arch"--where phrases tend to ascend and then
descend in pitch? While the demonstration
software provides
some help in appreciating how problems can be solved using
connected Humdrum tools, and while annotated solutions to sample
problems do not belong, strictly speaking, in a reference work,
novice users may feel they need more hints than they can glean
from individual command specifications as to how these questions
might be answered.
[6.6] The Toolkit and representation schemes are not intended to meet the requirements of a researcher's every contingency, nor could they be. Creating "home-made" task-specific representations is a simple job, given some discussion in the manual. The creation of new commands, on the other hand, is likely to remain the domain of those already familiar with a programming language. A skeleton program to aid in software development is provided, written in the AWK programming language and incorporating several useful functions.
[7] Humdrum's compendious reference manual is a model of clarity, completeness and logical design, running to 550 pages including a substantial index of some 2700 terms. The "General Introduction" is especially well written, and admirable in its level-headed and patient presentation of the elements of Humdrum--having tried myself I realize how difficult it is to explain clearly what Humdrum actually is and does. Each command and representation scheme is fully documented, in a consistent style that tends to err on the side of redundancy rather than attempt to be overly concise. Whereas typos and omissions tend to creep in quite easily in reference works, here there are very few. The number of theoretically possible fingerings for a piano work is given as ten times the number of key presses involved, instead of the number of key presses raised to the tenth power (p. 514); two typographical strings with no symbols in common are said to exhibit minimum edit-distance, instead of maximum edit-distance (p. 420); several commands (specc, spect, formant and diss) are mentioned in passing but not given proper documentation (though the representations they produce are); it is suggested that a dominant seventh chord on the supertonic degree be labelled V7/ii (p. 86); and the two accounts of the signifier for doubly-lowered notes in the **deg representation are inconsistent (pp. 59, 264).
[8.1] The Toolkit can currently be downloaded from the server at
the University of Waterloo. The FTP site is
[8.2] Scores that accompany the current release of Humdrum
include a selection of sixteen Bach chorales, in both **kern and
**harm representations; all 48 fugues from the Well-Tempered
Clavier; vocal melodies from Schubert Lieder and a collection of
Scottish and English folk tunes. A **kern thematic database of
some ten thousand well-known classical themes (melody only) is
expected to be accessible via the World Wide Web early in the
new year, and is being considered for release as part of the
Humdrum Toolkit in the near future. Such thematic catalogues
exist in books already, but the flexibility of searching that
Humdrum offers far surpasses that possible in the printed
medium. For instance, one could very quickly find all tunes in
the database whose first four notes have increasing durations;
or whose range is exactly a minor sixth; or which are in Eb
minor and triple metre. This could be very useful in a music
library, among other contexts. A user might wish to find the
source of a tune that started with, say, three notes descending
stepwise, followed by upwards motion for one note then downwards
notion for one note, the last of these five notes being longer
than the others. Once the appropriate search string was
defined, Humdrum could find any matches, and, if there are more
than one, provide a MIDI performance of each of the candidates.
Or rather than define the target string explicitly, the user
could play his or her best approximation to the tune on a MIDI
controller; Humdrum would find the closest matches in the
database and give the numerical measure of correlation to what
was played for each match.
[8.3] Huron is nearing completion of a Users'
Guide to Humdrum
that "takes novice users by the hand, and teaches both Humdrum
and the pertinent Unix utilities."
[8.4] All this proselytizing may still fail to
convince, given
the reluctance and inertia many of us are likely to experience
when faced with as new and as vast a resource as Humdrum. So,
software developers have turned their attention to Humdrum-based
graphic user interfaces, which may well prove more appetizing to
those who feel claustrophobic when restricted to a bare UNIX
shell. Two third-party graphic interfaces to
Humdrum have been
developed, in Ireland and in Germany.
[8.5] Humdrum provides concrete answers to well-posed questions.
Surprising or counterintuitive answers could be genuine, or they
could be the result of a malformed question or incorrect
implementation of Humdrum commands. It thus becomes important,
when using machine-aided methods to prove or disprove a
hypothesis, to document one's methods. Full documentation of
Humdrum processes could quickly become distracting, tedious, or
unfeasible in a printed article where the ends, and not the
means, constitute the main point. It would however be a simple
matter to place the relevant Humdrum scripts and encoded scores
on an internet site, referenced by the article, and available to
interested parties for retrieval.
"[a]ny set of tools requires the development of a concomitant
expertise, and the Humdrum Toolkit is no exception. It is my
hope that the investment of time required to learn how to use
Humdrum will be more than offset by the subsequent scholarly
Huron has certainly proved the last portion of
this excerpt
through his own research, much of which has relied on Humdrum.
His work in music perception accounts for the inclusion in the
Toolkit of some specialized tools relevant to that area--in fact
Humdrum users have so far tended to work in music perception or
ethnomusicology, while theorists and historical musicologists
have been slow to recognize the system's potential. Huron
offers the following sampling of projects he is aware of that
relied on Humdrum:
[9.2] Humdrum or other systems like it offer the wherewithal for
a brand new paradigm for music research. The tedium of
collating hard evidence for one's theories can be greatly
alleviated by automation, and the more music examined the
greater the rigor of proof for one's hypotheses. However the
unfortunate possibility is that many of today's musicologists
and theorists who could benefit from a little machine-aided
insight are likely to be put off by Humdrum's completely
text-based interface. Although in the final analysis UNIX-style
commands are surely more flexible and efficient than a
"user-friendly," graphic interface, they can appear daunting to
non-programmers, many of whom stand to be deterred from making
use of an otherwise valuable tool. Whether or not music
theorists will choose to augment their invaluable musical
intuition with equally invaluable empirically verified results,
based on maximum amounts of relevant data, will be a most
important factor in the evolution of our discipline.
1. Stephen Travis Pope (Editor), "Music Representation
Scoring (parts 1 and 2)," Computer Music Journal, 17.3, 17.4
2. Representation schemes include two leading asterisks
in their
name. Tandem interpretations, discussed below, include one
leading asterisk. It is unfortunate but hopefully not too
confusing that asterisks are also used to draw attention to a
word or phrase of ASCII text, in the manner of italics.
3. A scheme called **dynam appears in the
demonstration files
that come with the software.
4. Andreas Kornstaedt's "SCORE-to-Humdrum: A
Graphical Environment for Musicological Analysis,"
Computing in Musicology, Vol. 10 (1996): 105-122
describes a translator program from the widely used notation
program SCORE to a Humdrum format. Should the translation
prove reliable a large quantity of commercially published scores
encoded in SCORE will theoretically become available for use
with Humdrum.
5. See below regarding a forthcoming Users' Guide for
6. I shall make the same disclaimer that David Huron
makes for
his own Humdrum demonstration problems: my intent is to
illustrate the use of the Toolkit, not provide an air-tight
solution to the problem.
7. Sixteen chorales (among other scores) are included
with the
Humdrum software. They should be concatenated into one file,
called chorales, for this application.
8. deg's default assumption is that the "raised"
leading-tone in
minor is the norm; the "natural" minor seventh is tagged as a
chromatically altered note.
9. To illustrate, operating on this file:
the command sort | uniq -c | sort would return the following:
10. On my system, the above pipeline took less than 30
to compute an answer for sixteen chorales; all of Bach's 371
chorales would take a few minutes--still negligible compared to
the several days it would take to compile the same results by
11. There are at present no Humdrum MIDI input and
utilities for UNIX systems; the perform, record and encode
features are available only for DOS or OS/2 machines.
12. Kyle Dawkins has written an external player for
Humdrum (and
standard MIDI files) that provides full graphical control of
playback features and a field for echoing comments embedded in
the file; as of now it runs under Windows95 only. Kyle welcomes
inquiries about his player; he can be contacted at
13. See below regarding a forthcoming comprehensive
Users' Guide
that will remedy this lack of help.
14. Personal communication.
15. See the website at
16. Personal communication from David Huron.
17. Andreas Kornstaedt, "SCORE-to-Humdrum: A Graphical
Environment for Musicological Analysis," Computing in
Musicology, Vol. 10 (1996): 105-122.
18. Personal communication.
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9. Conclusions
[9.1] Appreciation of the full potential of Humdrum is definitely
a hands-on experience. In the words of David Huron, from the
reference manual:
Jonathan Wild
McGill University
Faculty of Music, Dept. of Theory
555 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1A3
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