MTO Announcements

MTO 3.1 1997

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  1. Workshop in Teaching Tonal Theory at the End of the 20th Century

EVENT: Workshop in Teaching Tonal Theory at the End of the 20th Century

HOST: Southern Methodist University (February 21-22, 1997) Syracuse
  University (May 16-17, 1997) Northwestern University (July 11-12,
DATE: February 21-22, 1997 (SMU); May 16-17, 1997 (SU); July 11-12,
  1997 (NU)

John Buccheri of Northwestern University will present a two-day
workshop to introduce teachers to techniques for the development of
students' score analysis skills and for the enhancement of aural
imaginations.  The workshop is recommended for teachers of freshman
and sophomore theory, rudiments, or fundamentals, for graduate
students who anticipate teaching basic theory, and for private studio
instructors.  Participants will learn techniques to inspire confidence
among students who feel inadequate in analysis; develop the students'
analytical facility; equip students to maintain skills through
self-study; and make more accessible the subtleties of tonal movement
as represented in score.  The workshop will introduce routines for the
rapid scanning of score for information about tonal operations; the
mental rehearsal of sound and notational patterns which facilitate
analytical reading and music memory; strategies to motivate student
learning; the integration of new techniques into traditional course
formats; and the demonstration of computerized score anthology and
mental rehearsal programs.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: one week prior to workshop


  CMS members - $60;  Other Participants - $70;  Students - $35

  Call The College Music Society: 1-800-729-0235

The College Music Society
202 West Spruce St.
Missoula MT 59802
Phone: 406-721-9616
Fax: 406-721-9419

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