MTO Employment Listings

MTO 3.2 1997


  1. University of the Pacific, Conservatory of Music
  2. University of Pennsylvania

University of the Pacific, Conservatory of Music

Position:  Music Composition and Theory (Full-time, tenure track)
	University of the Pacific
	Conservatory of Music
	Stockton, California

Qualifications:  Doctorate or ABD preferred. Masters with 
		professional experience equivalency.

Experience and demonstrated success in teaching a broad range
of music theory and musicianship subjects at the undergraduate
level including harmonic theory, 20th century music, and
counterpoint.  Advanced piano skills and experience with CAI 
desirable.  Interest in working as part of a team to develop new 
and creative ways to teach undergraduate theory and musicianship
that best represents the musical needs of the professional musician
at the end of the 20th century.

Begins Fall Semester, 1997 (August)
Salary and Rank negotiable

Review of applications will begin March 21, 1997.  Position open
until filled.  Send letter of application, vitae, and three letters of
reference.  Please include a brief statement of your philosophy
regarding teaching of undergraduate music theory.  Do not send
recordings or scores until requested.
(Materials will not be returned unless postage is included.)

Send materials to:	Dr. Robert Coburn, Chair
			Music Composition and Theory Search Comm.
			Conservatory of Music
			University of the Pacific
			Stockton, CA  95211

For additional information: (209) 946-2415	

Robert Coburn

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University of Pennsylvania

POSITION/RANK: Asst.Prof, Ethnomusicology, Anthropology of Music, Jazz
  Studies, Popular-Music Studies, or Cultural Studies
INSTITUTION: University of Pennsylvania
  Candidates should have completed the Ph.D by 7/1/98.  
JOB DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Tenure-track position with an
  initial 4-year. appointment.  Teaching responsibility includes both
  graduate and undergraduate courses.  Position will begin academic year
  1998-99.  EOE/AA; Applications from women and minority groups are 
  particularly encouraged.
  commensurate with qualifications
  detailed CV, 3 letters of recommendation
  application no later than 10/1/97
  James Primosch, Chairman, Music Department
  201 South 34th Street
  Philadelphia, PA 19104

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[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online
It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.