MTO Announcements

MTO 4.3 1998

Announcement Menu

  1. Mailing list for Central and E. European Music
  2. New Directions in Josquin Scholarship
  3. Amazing Maze
  4. Rethinking Interpretive Traditions in Musicology--Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
  5. GAMUT Journal Volume 8

Mailing list for Central and E. European Music

You are invited to join a new list for Central and East European Music, which has been opened within the Mailbase group of lists by Ann Buckley of Cambridge University. The following is an extract from the introduction file to the list:

"This list exists in order to communicate ideas and engage in discussion on musicological research on Central and Eastern Europe. Musicology is here defined in the widest sense to include historical musicology, theory, analysis, criticism, ethnomusicology, sociology, iconography, organology, and interdisciplinary studies which include a music component.

We welcome participation in this list from all who study any aspect of music, past or present, in which the primary focus is on regions to the east of a line running roughly north-south from Germany to the Adriatic."

To join, send a one-line message, no header:

join centr-and-east-euro-music Firstname Familyname

(putting in your real name instead of Firstname Familyname), to the following address:

Geoffrey Chew
Music Department, Royal Holloway College (University of London)

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New Directions in Josquin Scholarship

Princeton University
29-31 October 1999

Contributions are invited for a three-day conference on Josquin des Prez (d.1521) to be held at Princeton University on 29-31 October 1999. In addition to discussion sessions and round tables, the event will feature a concert and a workshop on performance-related issues with The Binchois Consort directed by Andrew Kirkman. The conference will take place six days before the National Meeting of the American Musicological Society (Kansas City, Missouri, 4-7 November 1999).

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for new directions in Josquin scholarship. No restrictions are imposed on what these might be, but studies from the perspective of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century cultural history, and/or involving interdisciplinary approaches (gender studies, critical theory), are especially welcome. Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to, the following:

*** DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: 1 July 1998 ***

WWW site for information and updates:

Please direct all queries and communications to:

Rob C. Wegman, Department of Music, Woolworth Center of Musical
Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
voice (609) 258 4248; dept (609) 258 4241; fax (609) 258 6793
email <>

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Amazing Maze

AMAZING MAZE, an infinite realtime composition for sampled sound particles is currently broadcasted as a permanent self-generating sound installation on the "Algorithmic Stream", a project of Maurice Methot and Hector Laplante.

Please point your browser at:


Dr. Karlheinz Essl - Composer
Vienna / Austria
Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology

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Rethinking Interpretive Traditions in Musicology

Tel Aviv University, Department of Musicology
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers

7-9 JUNE 1999

The last decade has witnessed a thorough re-examination and reconsideration of the aims, subject matters, and methodologies of the scholarly investigation of music. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the Department of Musicology at Tel Aviv University is planning an international conference that will attempt to take stock of and to further contribute to this re-examination. The three-day conference will be held at the university between Monday, June 7 and Wednesday, June 9 1999.

We welcome contributions from scholars (including historical musicologists, music theorists, and ethnomusicologists) addressing these recent challenges or exemplifying their impact on a specific field or topic of research. Abstracts (approximately 500 words) should be e-mailed before January 15,1999 to Zohar Eitan, Abstracts containing music examples or other figures may be snail-mailed to the Department of Musicology (attn.: conference), Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel 69978.

Dr. Zohar Eitan
Department of Musicology, Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv, Israel 69978
Tel.: 972-9-9559072(H) 972-3-6408332(W)
Fax: 972-3-6407358 (W)

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GAMUT Journal

The Georgia Association of Music Theorists is pleased to announce the publication of GAMUT Volume 8. The contents include:

Music Theory and Learning in the Digital Age
Gary Wittlich (Indiana University)

Two Unpublished Manuscripts: Excerpts from Arnold Schoenberg's Second Book on Harmony and His Text on Performance
Severine Neff (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Comparing Pitch Hierarchies in Schenkerian and Koch-Based Analyses: Rationale, Method, and Correlations
Richard Williamson (Anderson College, South Carolina)

Rhythmic Dissonance as Motion Propellant in Brahms's Intermezzo in A-flat
Gabe Fankhauser (Florida State University)

Student CD-ROM Portfolios and Nontraditional Assessment Techniques: Using a Music Theory Project for Abilities-Based Assessment
Sara Hagen (Valley City State University, North Dakota)

Jeffrey Johnson: Thesaurus of Abstract Musical Properties: A Theoretical and Compositional Resource
Yayoi Uno (University of Colorado, Boulder)

The subscription price is $10.00. If you wish to subscribe, please send a check payable to GAMUT to Kristin Wendland, GAMUT Editor, at the address below.

GAMUT welcomes articles dealing with all aspects of music theory, including pedagogy, analysis, history, and book reviews. Contributors should submit four copies anonymously with an identifying cover letter and a short abstract of the article. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Documentation must be complete. Musical examples, tables, and diagrams should be camera-ready. Copyright privileges, if required for publication, should be secured in advance.

Submissions for Volume 9 should be postmarked by May 31, 1998. Articles dealing with theory and analysis of music outside the standard analytical canon are especially welcomed. The lead article for the forthcoming issue will be Robert Gauldin's recent keynote talk to the joint meeting of the Georgia Association of Music Theorists and Music Theory Southeast, "Some Personal Observations on Aural Skills."

Address inquiries for subscriptions, manuscripts, proposals for reviews, or any other responses and communications to:

Kristin Wendland
643 Delmar Ave. SE
Atlanta, GA 30312
(404) 622-4891

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[1] Music Theory Online (MTO) as a whole is Copyright � 1998, all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is the owner of the journal. Copyrights for individual items published in MTO are held by their authors. Items appearing in MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or discussion, but may not be republished in any form, electronic or print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and advance notification of the editors of MTO.

[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online
It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.