MTO Announcements

MTO 4.1 1998

Announcement Menu

  1. "MikroPolyphonie" Issue 3
  2. International Contemporary Music Contest "Citta` di Udine" 1998
  3. Israel Musicological Society Homepage
  4. European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music: Symposium
  5. Database for Italian Music Theory and Aesthetics
  6. "Alirio Diaz" XI International Competition
  7. Royal Holloway, University of London, Department of Music: Awards for Postgraduate Study, 1998 Competition
  8. XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics: Call for Submissions



                    Issue 3, January to June 1997



                       Table of Contents, Issue 3

John Crawford
       Trends in Composition:
       Some Directions in which Australian Composition
       is Heading

Roger Dean
       Poyphonies of Pulse:
       on the Control of Pulse and Meter in
       Computer-interactive Improvisation

…ric Humbertclaude
       The Challenge of Tristan Murail's Work
       (Translated by Jacqueline Rose)

       review by Carlos Palombini.
       Electroacoustic Music: Histories and Aesthetics.
       Florivaldo Menezes, editor

       The Bandt Exhibition.
       Material provided by Ros Bandt

             |                                              |
             |            CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS,             |
             |                                              |
             |                 for Issue 4                  |
             |            (July-December 1997)              |
             |                                              |
             |   The theme will be "Theories on Theories"   |
             |   in which we invite you to reflect and      |
             |   comment upon the myriad theories on music. |
             |   Articles can adopt this theme or any       |
             |   general subject matter associated with     |
             |   contemporary music.                        |
             |                                              |

MikroPolyphonie is a refereed online journal published on the World
Wide Web. It aims to encourage scholarly analysis and discussion in
any genre of contemporary music making and research.

The journal is a continuous publication in that articles are
published when they are received and reviewed. Each Issue presents
a target topic as a discussion thread. Threads will last for a period
of six months with articles contributed and published over this
period. Feedback on articles can be emailed from readers, and then
published quickly in proximity to the target articles.
Joseph Giovinazzo


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1. The City Council of Udine, together with TauKay Music Publishing  House,
within its musical activities, announces the Second International
Contemporary Music Contest.

2. The contest is divided into two sections:
         * instrumental compositions for chamber instrumental group.
         * electro-acoustic, analogical, and digital music.

3. Only unpublished musical compositions will be admitted into the contest.
The pieces may have been already performed. Composers may be of any

4. Musical scores for the chamber instrumental group section must be no
longer than eight minutes.

they are required to use the following instruments:

   string quartet

   These instruments may be used in any combination.

The Composition for the electro-acoustic, analogical, and digital music
section must be no longer than ten minutes. (dat or compact disc)

5. The City Council of Udine , together with TauKay Music Publishing
House, will organize a public performance to be held in Udine during autumn
1998. A compact disc will be recorded.
The TauKay Music Publishing  House  will publish the selected compositions
and has committed itself to broadcast and publicize them by means of
specialized magazines and operators.

Those composers who are committed to another publishing house are requested
to send in a copyright waiver (under-signed by both them and their
publishers) which authorizes the publication of their compositions.

6. All works must be submitted - no later than April, 30th 1998 - to:

"Comune di Udine -  U.O.  Coordinamento Segreteria Attivit# Teatrali - via
Savorgnana 12 - 33100  Udine ITALIA"

The postmark will bear witness to the date.
The jury's decision will be made public on June, 30th 1998.

7. The jury has the right to discard those works that do not satisfy the
above mentioned requirements.

8. If a work presents new graphic characters or symbols , the author is
requested to provide an explanatory table.
The scores must be sent in six copies attached to the application and
together with the receipt for 35 USD payment made by a international postal
order to:

Comune di Udine Servizio tesoreria
Conto corrente postale n. 14372338

The following wording must appear on the postal order as the description:

"Tassa di iscrizione per il II∞ Concorso di Musica Contemporanea Citt# di
Udine 1998"

If a work is selected to be performed, the author must send the single scores
for each and every instrument.
The scores will not be returned, specific agreement excepted.

The following additional documentation is requested from the author:

* First and family name, address, telephone number, place and date of birth,
* a recent picture
* A statement certifying that the submitted composition is unpublished and
has not been awarded any prizes in any musical contest.
* A statement agreeing to permit the composition to be broadcast or telecast
and archived without compensation.
* A statement permitting publication by TauKay Music
Publishing  House, or a copyright waiver under-signed by the author and his
or her publisher as in paragraph #5.
* Curriculum vitae and curriculum studiorum.

9. The jury's decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

10. The submission of the application and the piece implies the full
acceptance of the above mentioned regulations.
The non-compliance of the above stated regulations implies the loss of any
rights originating from the jury's decisions.
The Court of Justice of Udine is the place of jurisdiction.

Further information is available from:

Settore Attivit# Culturali ed Educative del Comune di Udine - via
Savorgnana 12 33100 Udine ITALIA  and TauKay Music Publishing  House
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Israel Musicological Society
The Israel Musicological Society has a homepage now at

In conjunction with its new homepage the IMS is sponsoring a new
electronic journal, Min-ad: Israel Studies in Musicology Online,
edited by Eytan Agmon (Bar-Ilan University). Submissions for the first
issue of Min-ad, scheduled to be released in 1998, are
welcome. Please consult the homepage of Min-ad at

or via a link from the IMS homepage.

Eytan Agmon
Visiting Associate Professor, 1997-98
Department of Music
University of Chicago
1010 E. 59th St.,
Chicago, IL. 60637


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European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music

Econa Interuniversity Centre for the Research on Cognitive Processing
in Natural and Artificial Systems

Symposium, MAY 28-30, 1998


Scientific Commitee: Marta Olivetti Belardinelli (President), Mario
Baroni, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi, Luca Francesconi, Egidio Pozzi.

Invited lectures: Rita Aiello (New York); Jamshed J. Bharucha (Hanover,
N.H.); Helga de la Motte (Berlin); Irhne Delihge (Bruxelles); Michel
Imberty (Paris); Carol Krumhansl (Ithaca); Giovanni B. Vicario (Padova).

Internationally known composers of contemporary music are invited.

Special events: 2 concerts of contemporary music.

Call for papers: Three types of sessions are scheduled: reading
sessions (20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion), poster
sessions, demonstrations (25 minutes oral and musical presentation).
Cognitive scientists and composers are invited to submit abstracts, on
a single side of paper, with the authors name, title, institutional
affiliation, mailing address, phone and e-mail at the top, before
January 31, 1998.

Abstracts in English, French or Italian, clearly indicating on the
right top: reading session, poster session or demonstration, should be
sent directly to the organiser:

Prof. Marta Olivetti Belardinelli
ECONA c/o Dipartimento di Psicologia            Fax: 0039-6-4462449
via dei Marsi 78                                Tel: 0039-6-49917533
I 00185 Roma                                    e-mail:

Acceptance will be communicated by e-mail or fax before March 20,
1998.  An extended abstract of 6 pages, camera-ready for publication
in the abstract-volume must be sent to the organisers before April 15,
(norms will be supplied with acceptation).


Last Name: ______________________ First Name: _____________________
Affiliation: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Fax: __________________
e-mail: _______________

2. Registration Fee

before March 31, 1998   after March 31, 1998
ESCOM Memb.: 120.000 It. Lire   ESCOM Memb.: 160.000 It. Lire
non-Memb.: 160.000 It. Lire     non-Memb.: 200.000 It. Lire
to be paid by international bank cheque.

Please return this form by hard mail along with registration fee to:

Prof. Marta Olivetti Belardinelli 
ECONA c/o Dipartimento di Psicologia 
via dei Marsi 78
I 00185 ROMA

Students fees (one session: 10.000 It. Lire; the full Symposium:
50.000 It. Lire) payable on place, against document proving student

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Database for Italian Music Theory and Aesthetics

I am pleased to announce the inauguration of the saggi musicali
italiani Database for Italian Music Theory and Aesthetics. saggi
musicali italiani (SMI) makes available in electronic form major
musical treatises and significant journal articles written in
Italian. As of now, the SMI includes only selected nineteenth-century
texts, but it will eventually feature all printed materials from the
Renaissance to the present. This database intends to make it possible
to download, browse, and search documents pertaining to this field,
taking as its model the Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum, which has
already become an indispensable tool for scholars of Medieval and
Renaissance music theory.

In order to use the SMI, you should first subscribe by sending this
one-line message (without brackets, of course)

          SUBSCRIBE SMI-L 
to this INTERNET address:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the
following address and telephone number:

     Andreas Giger
     Indiana University School of Music
     Bloomington IN, 47405
     (812) 855-6889

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"Alirio Diaz" XI International Competition

Competition Statutes

The "Alirio Diaz" XI International Guitar Competition will be held at
the Teatro Teresa Carreo in Caracas, and it is being organized by the
Fundacion Vicente Emilio Sojo.  It will take place from Saturday,
August 1st to Saturday, August 8th, 1998; both days included within
the frame of the Festival Internacional de Agosto (August
International Festival), organized by the Proyecto Cultural Mavesa.

Participants must not be older than 30 years at the time of the
Competition, having been born between the 1st and the 8th of August of

There will be a preselection. The contestants must send a recent
cassette to the Fundacion Vicente Emilio Sojo, recorded preferably
live, of three works reflecting three different stiles with an
advanced degree of difficulty and a maximum duration of thirty (30)
minutes. The Fundacion Vicente Emilio Sojo will act as coordinator
of the Competition, and can limit the number of participants.

Inscriptions will be processed by the Fundacion Vicente Emilio
Sojo. To formalize the inscriptions contestants must do the following:

Fill out the attached application form, include a check or Money
Order for $50 (American Dollars) to the FUNDACION VICENTE EMILIO SOJO.

Enclose the information required in Article Five. 

The application form, the requirements, and the check, must be posted
to one of the following addresses:

 "Alirio Diaz" XI International Guitar Competition
 Fundacion Vicente Emilio Sojo
 Ccs  10012  P.O.BOX  025323 
 Miami, Fl. 33102-5323    
 For more information, fax / phones & E-MAIL:
      FAX: (582) 793 56 06
      PHONES: (582) 793 59 82 / 793 57 17 / 793 49 48
The inscription to participate in the Competition will be formalized
only when the candidate has been selected by the preselection
committee. The inscription fee will not be reimbursed.

The deadline for the delivery of the requirements is Monday, June 1,
The application form must be accompanied by the following

Documents that certify the date, birthplace, and contestants

Number, place date of issuance, date of expiration and type of

Three recent photos, 5x7 inches.

Resume (one-page). 

Neat photocopies of official certificates of music studies, specifying
grades obtained and names of teachers. At least two letters of
recommendation should be included.

Any document (programs, critiques, comments, etc.), that certify any
recent musical activity (last three years).

A complete list of the scores on the program that the contestant will
interpret, and the approximate duration of each musical composition.

List of repertoire executed in public.  

Cassette with a live recording of three pieces that reflect three
different styles with an advanced degree of difficulty, no longer than
thirty (30) minutes.
The Competition will consist of three qualifying rounds. First,
Second, and Final.
The order of performance will be determined by a drawing which will
take place on Sunday, August 2nd, 1998. All contestants must be
present at the time of the drawing. This responsibility cannot be
entrusted on another person.
The jury will consist of five personalities of great prestige among
guitarists. They will judge the performances and solve any incidences
that arise. Their decision will be unappealable.
The jury will be presided over by Maestro Alirio Diaz.
Those members of the jury that are close of kin or have acted as
instructors or professors to any participant during the five years
previous to the Competition cannot participate in that contestant's
The whole program will be executed from memory.
The examining jury can interrupt the interpretations of the
contestants when they deem it convenient.
The Following prizes will be distributed among the winners for a total
amount of $18.000 (American Dollars), tax free.
First prize $10.000 Medal, Diploma and an invitation to perform at the
Festival Internacional de Agosto 1999.

Second prize $5.000  Medal and diploma.
Third prize  $3.000  Medal and diploma.
The prizes are indivisible and the jury�s decision must be
unanimous.  Anyone of the prizes could be declared void by the
unanimous decision of the jury.
The act of handing out the prizes will take place at the closing
ceremony of the Festival Internacional de Agosto'98, on Saturday,
August 8, 1998.  The winners will perform at this ceremony without
demanding any fee.
The Fundacion Vicente Emilio Sojo has the legal right to record,
broadcast, or televise the recordings made during the contest and
final concert. The contestants will consent to the unremunerated
recording and broadcasting made of their performances by Fundacion
Vicente Emilio Sojo and Proyecto Cultural Mavesa.
Travel expenses from the contestants' country to the place of the
competition and their return is the responsibility of each
The expenses (hotel, food) of the contestants that pass on to the
second preliminary round, will be assumed by the Fundacion Vicente
Emilio Sojo, from Tuesday, August 4, 1998, until one day after
their last performance. In the case of the winners, the coordination
of the Competition will finance their stay until one day after
the final concert and the awards presentation ceremony. Any delay in
the due departure dates of airline itineraries or other occurrences,
will be the contestants' responsibility. Travel expenses from the
contestants' country to the place of the competition and their return
is the responsibility of each participant.
Companions are not permitted.
The participants that have not arrived to the place of the Competition
by Saturday, August 1st, 1998 will be automatically excluded.
Once the awards presentation ceremony has concluded the winners are
free to acquire any commitment with others, inside and outside the
country and the Fundacion Vicente Emilio Sojo, the Proyecto
Cultural Mavesa, and the Organizing Committee cease to have any
responsibility and inherence in this commitment.
The general coordination of the Competition will decide on cases not
foreseen in these Statutes and will look after its well being.
The following is the program to be interpreted in the tests:
First Test
A ten-minute selection by the following composers:

John Dowland, Luis de Milan, Alonzo de Mudarra, Luys de Narvez,
Miguel de Fuenllana, Anthony Holborne, Francesco da Milano.
 Select one of the following:

 Four guitar compositions by Juan Bautista Plaza (Fundaci�n Vicente Emilio
Sojo Editions)

 Inocente Carreo: Suite (Zanibon GZ 5487)

 Four "Aguinaldos" chosen among the Venezuelan Melodies published by Alirio
 Diaz on harmonizations of Vicente Emilio Sojo (Volumes I and II GZ 6280 and
 GZ 6281)
Suite Latinando by Alfonso Montes (Verlag H. Nogatz KN1104)
 Select one of the following:

 Antonio Lauro: Venezuelan Suite (Broekmans van  Poppel  BVP 793)
 Antonio Lauro: Sonata (Zanibon GZ 5539)
 Second Test
 Selection of recital repertoire with contrasting works of free election
  with a duration of no lees than 30 and no more than 35 minutes. Special
  attention will be paid to the selection of the repertoire.

It is compulsory to interpret Don Freund's Stirrings, the winning
composition of the II International Guitar Composition Contest Rodrigo
Riera. Copies of this  score will be sent to the participants once the
inscription fee has been cancelled.
Third Test
 Choose one of the following works of Johann Sebastian Bach:
 Any Suite for Lute.
 Any Suite for Cello.
 Any Suite or Score for Violin
 Choose one concert among the following:
 Concierto No. 1 en La Mayor, Antonio Lauro (Zanibon)
 Concierto Elegiaco, Leo Brouwer.
 Concert for Classical Guitar and Orchestra, Heitor Villa-Lobos
 Concert No. 1 or 2, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
 Concertino for Guitar and Orchestra, Alfonso Montes (Verlag H. Nogatz)
 Aranjuez Concert, Joaquin Rodrigo (Union Musical Espanola)
 Concierto del Sur, Manuel Ponce (Schott) 

Note: This statutes will be drawn up in both English and Spanish. However,
only the Spanish version is legally binding.

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Royal Holloway, University of London, Department of Music: Six Awards for Postgraduate Study, 1998 Competition

The Music Department at Royal Holloway invites applications for SIX
Studentships, open to students beginning research and taught master9s
degrees in the Department in 1998/99.

Rated 5* in the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise, the Department has
outstanding research strengths in Historical Musicology, Theory &
Analysis, Performance Studies, and Composition.

1 Thomas Holloway Research Studentship (any area), covering 
tuition fees at EU rates + 6000 pounds p.a. in maintenance for 3 years  

1 College Research Studentship (any area), covering tuition fees 
for 3 years at EU rates

1 College Research Studentship in Urban Music History (of any 
period), covering tuition fees for 3 years at EU rates

1 College Research Studentship in Analysis or Composition, 
covering tuition fees for 3 years at EU rates

2 Master's Studentships, for the MMus in Advanced Musical 
Studies, covering tuition fees for 1 year at EU rates

Further details from Dr Katharine Ellis, Director of Graduate Study,
Department of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham TW20 0EX,
UK. Tel: (0)1784 443532; fax: (0)1784 439441.  Applicants should indicate
in the funding section of the postgraduate application form that they wish
to be considered for a Studentship, and should apply before 1 May 1998.

Geoffrey Chew

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XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics: Call for Submissions

September 24-26, 1998
Gorizia, Italy

AIMI - Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana 

Diploma Universitario per Operatore dei Beni Culturali (Gorizia) 
Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia
Facolta' di Scienze M.F.N.
University of Udine

The Italian Association for Musical Informatics, AIMI, in cooperation
with the University of Udine, organizes the twelfth Colloquium on
Musical Informatics, which will be held in Gorizia (Italy) from
September 24 to September 26, 1998.

This conference is co-sponsored by IEEE CS Technical Committee on
Computer Generated Music

The Colloquium on Musical Informatics is an international meeting of
researchers interested in musical applications of computer
science. The previous editions showed an increasing interest in this
area, as proved by the number and quality of scientific contributions
as well as by the development of new tools to be used by composers,
musicians and musicologists.

The special theme of the conference is:

* Restoration of Audio Documents

The other topics to be covered include, but are not limited to 

* Computer Music and Other Digital Art
* Artificial Intelligence
* Aesthetics, Philosophy, Criticism
* Acoustics of Musical Instruments and Voice
* Audio Analysis and Resynthesis
* Audio Hardware
* Audio Signal Processing
* Composition Systems and Techniques
* History and Analysis of Electroacoustic Music
* Interactive Performance Systems
* Machine Recognition of Audio
* Machine Recognition of Music
* MIDI Applications
* Music Analysis
* Music Data Structures and Representations
* Music Education
* Music Grammars
* Music Languages
* Music Notation and Printing
* Music Workstations
* Performance Interfaces
* Psychoacoustics, Perception, Cognition
* Realtime Systems
* Room Acoustics
* Sound in Multimedia
* Sound Synthesis Languages
* Sound Synthesis Methods
* Studio Report
* Other

Daniel Arfib              (LMA-CNRS - Marseille, France)
Denis Baggi               (IEEE CS TC on CGM)
Mario Baroni              (University of Bologna, Italy)
Antonio Camurri           (University of Genova, Italy)
Roger Dannenberg          (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Giovanni De Poli          (University of Padova, Italy)
Giuseppe Di Giugno        (Iris-Bontempi, Italy)
Gianpaolo Evangelista     (University of Napoli, Italy)
Shuji Hashimoto           (Waseda University, Japan)
Goffredo Haus             (University of Milano, Italy)
Furio Honsell             (University of Udine, Italy)
Marc Leman                (University of Gent, Belgium)
Alan Marsden              (Queen's University - Belfast, UK)
Livio C. Piccinini        (University of Udine, Italy)
Alberto Policriti         (University of Udine, Italy)
Stephen Pope              (University of California - Santa Barbara, USA)
Curtis Roads              (University of California - Santa Barbara, USA)
Robert Rowe               (New York University, USA)
Eleanor Selfridge-Field   (Stanford University, USA)
Xavier Serra              (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain)
Julius Smith              (Stanford University, USA)
Leonello Tarabella        (CNUCE-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Ioannis Zannos            (Staatliches Institut fur Musikforschung - Berlin,

Nicola Bernardini         (Conservatory of Padova, Italy)
Lelio Camilleri           (Conservatory of Bologna, Italy)
Agostino Di Scipio        (Conservatory of Bari, Italy)
Angelo Orcalli            (University of Udine, Italy)
Alvise Vidolin            (Conservatory of Venezia, Italy)

Fabio Alessi              (University of Udine)
Alessandro Argentini      (LIM - Gorizia, University of Udine)
Giovanni De Mezzo         (LIM - Gorizia, University of Udine)
Agostino Dovier           (University of Verona)
Claudio Mirolo            (University of Udine)
Angelo Orcalli            (University of Udine)
Luisa Zanoncelli          (University of Udine)
Paolo Zavagna             (LIM - Gorizia, University of Udine) 

XII CIM invites submissions of papers, demos, presentations and posters
covering all aspects of computer music. The official language is English.
All submissions are subject to peer review. The accepted contributions will
be published in the Proceedings of the Colloquium and each contributor is
expected to give a talk/demonstration which will be scheduled according to
the timing below:

        Paper:              4 pages (A4) in the Proceedings
                            about 20 minutes for presentation

        Demo/Presentation:  2 pages (A4) in the Proceedings 
                            about 10 minutes for presentation
                            free time for demonstration

        Poster:             2 pages (A4) in the Proceedings
                            about 10 minutes for presentation
                            free time for discussion

Submissions should be received by March 1, 1998. The contributors will
be notified of acceptance/rejection by May 1, 1998. Camera ready
papers are due by July 31st, 1998.

The submission guidelines appear in the XII CIM Brochure and in the
XII CIM Web site:

We encourage electronic submissions to the address:

The partecipation fees for the conference are:

        L. 100.000 (Italian currency)   - ordinary
        L.  80.000     "      "         - AIMI members
        L.  50.000     "      "         - students

and should be paid not later than August 24, 1998, by money transfer
in Italian currency to the following Bank account:

        Beneficiary:    Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche e Documentarie
        Description:    XII CIM.

        Bank            CRUP - Cassa di Risparmio di Udine e Pordenone
                        ABI 06340, CAB 12300

        Account number: 31853.8.6

A 50% extra-fee will apply to payments after August, 24.

Information on how reaching Gorizia and on local arrangements will
be made available through the Web URL

XII CIM is particularly interested in electro-acoustic music that
includes some aspect of composition and computer performance. The
Musical Committee will choose the musical works showing innovative
musical and technological solutions. The organization offers a hall
suitable for electro-acoustic music with the following equipment:

 1 amplification system 4 output channels (standard quadraphonic setup) 1
analog mixer 32/8
 1 digital mixer Yamaha 02R
 1 DAT
 1 CD
10 microphones

Composers are invited to submit their music and the whole project for
performance, i.e. a score and/or recorded segments. If the work
requires individual performers, these should be provided and payed by
the composer.

Music submissions should be received by March 1, 1998. 


Include the following items, in the specified order: 

1) Author Names and electronic contact information; corresponding
author first, followed by all other authors, on separate lines.

2) Contact information for first author only: 


3) Submission Type.
Choose one of: Paper, Poster, or Demo

4) Title of Paper or Project:

5) Keywords (5 maximum).
These will be used to generate the master index to the proceedings.

6) Content Area.
The se will be used to help route submissions to the
appropriate reviewers.  Select one from previous topics, or denote as
"other: your own content area".

7) Resources required for paper presentation. Choose from this list: 

Audio Cassette
Video: VHS-PAL
Overhead Projector
Slide Projector
Computer(s): Type and Configuration__________________ 

8) Abstract describing the paper, demo, or poster.  This should be
written in English and of at most 500 words for Paper Submissions and
300 words for Posters and Demos.

Please submit one copy of the form below with each work submitted.

Last Name:
First Name:
Mailing Address:
Postal/Zip Code:

1) Title of the work:

2) Year of Composition:

3) Duration:

4) Instrumentation:

5) Performer names:

6) Resources required for performance (for standard equipment, circle
appropriate equipment):

Audio Cassette

Stereo playback
four channel playback

Personal equipment:

7) What is the computer's role in this work?: 

8) Materials included with this submission form (scores, tapes, etc.): 

9) Additional information you feel may help the Jury to judge this work: 

10) Composer biographical notes:

11) Performers biographical notes:

12) A presentation (500 words in English language) to be printed: 

All scores, tapes, and special performance equipment must be provided
by the composer.  Composers must obtain permission for the use of
materials from all organizations holding performance rights for their
works. All tapes submitted should be labelled with the composer's
name, the title of the work and its play time.





Mailing Address:      CEGO - Centro Polifunzionale di Gorizia 
                      Via Italico Brass, 22
                      34170 Gorizia - Italy

Telephone:      +39 481 33869
Fax:            +39 481 33981

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[1] Music Theory Online (MTO) as a whole is Copyright � 1998, all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is the owner of the journal. Copyrights for individual items published in MTO are held by their authors. Items appearing in MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or discussion, but may not be republished in any form, electronic or print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and advance notification of the editors of MTO.

[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online
It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.