MTO Announcements

MTO 4.6 1998

Announcement Menu

  1. Musical Borrowing from the Middle Ages to the Present
  2. Music Theory Southeast: Call for Papers
  3. International Conference on "Meter, Rhythm, and Performance
  4. Champ d'Action
  5. Polish Music Journal: Call for Papers
  6. Fourth European Music Analysis Conference: Call for Papers
  7. New England Conference of Music Theorists: Call for Papers
  8. West Coast Conference of Music Theory
  9. Organs, Organisms, Organisations: Organic Form in 19th-Century Discourse
  10. Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science

Musical Borrowing from the Middle Ages to the Present

A conference "Musical Borrowing from the Middle Ages to the Present" will be held at the Crane School of Music at the State University College at Potsdam, New York, on February 20-21, 1999. Papers dealing with all historical periods and genres (including vernacular) will be presented. For more information, contact Dr. Stephen Johnson, "Musical Borrowings Conference" c/o Crane School of Music, State University College at Potsdam, Potsdam, New York 13676. E-mail: or phone: (315) 267-2427.

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Music Theory Southeast: Call for Papers

Call for Papers
Music Theory Southeast
Eighth Annual Meeting

Davidson College, Davidson, NC
March 12 and 13, 1999

Proposals are solicited on any theory-related topic. These may include papers (approximately 30 minutes in length), panel discussions, or special interest sessions. Proposals for panel discussions should include a list of participants.

Submissions must include: 1) seven copies of a proposal approximately 3-4 pages in length, with the author's name omitted; 2) an abstract of approximately 250-300 words, suitable for publication, with the author's name omitted; and 3) a cover letter giving the title of the proposal, the author's name, address (including e-mail address, if available), telephone number, and specification of technical requirements.

Submissions should be postmarked no later than December 15, 1998 and should be sent to:

Mark Parker, Program Chair
Box 34441
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC 29614
work phone: 864 242-5100, ext. 2793
email (work)
home phone: 864 271-3460

The Program Committee for the 1999 meeting includes Ellen Archambault (student, Florida State University), Mauro Botelho (Davidson College), Amy Carr-Richardson (East Carolina University), Renee McCachren (Catawba College), Jairo Moreno (Duke University), John Nelson (Georgia State University), Mark Parker (Bob Jones University) and Paul Wilson (University of Miami).

Submitted by J. Kent Williams, MTSE secretary

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International Conference on Meter, Rhythm, and Performance

International Conference on "Meter, Rhythm, and Performance - Metrum, Rhythmus, Performanz" at the Hochschule Vechta, 26-28 May 1999

Call for Papers

The International Conference on Meter, Rhythm, and Performance will be held from 26 to 28 May 1999 at the Hochschule Vechta, Germany. It will be organized by Dr. Christoph Kueper, Professor of English Linguistics, Fachbereich Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, Driverstr. 22, D-49377 Vechta. Tel. ++49-4441-15301, Fax ++49-4441 15444. E-mail:

Please address all conference correspondence to Christoph Kueper.

A special feature of this conference will be a recital of Goethe's "Reineke Fuchs" by Lutz Goerner.

A Registration Form can be downloaded from the Internet:

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Champ d'Action

CHAMP D'ACTION - a meta-composition for computer-controlled ensemble (utilizing MAX) was recently performed at the RadioKulturHaus in Vienna. A RealAudio recording of this concert is available at:

Dr. Karlheinz Essl - Composer
Vienna / Austria
Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology

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Polish Music Journal: Call for Papers


We are pleased to announce the creation of a new electronic journal. This an academic, peer-reviewed publication devoted to musicological studies of Polish music and music in Poland. The Journal's purpose is to provide a convenient, modern forum for publication of studies of the music that is not well known in the West. Its first issue has just been published on the web page of the Polish Music Reference Center. The content includes three articles (by Tyrone Greive, Jill Timmons and Sylvain Fremaux, and student winner, Timothy Cooley) that have been awarded the 1997 Wilk Prizes for Research in Polish Music. One more issue will be published this year. In 1999 we hope to be able to convert the journal into a quarterly.

This publication is to fill in the gap between the Polish researchers, publishing in their native language, and the English-speaking world. Therefore, one or more issues of the PMJ will consists of translations of selected articles originally published in Polish, in the Polish Musicological Quarterly Muzyka. In order to make use of the capabilities of the electronic media, the Journal includes scanned musical examples (score excerpts) and samples of sound illustrations (recordings) for some, or all, of the articles published. The Journal's ID number is: ISSN 1521-6039.

Maria Anna Harley serves as the Editor. The Editorial Board includes: Prof. Maciej Golab (Associate Professor of musicology, Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw; also General Editor of Muzyka, Warsaw, Poland), Dr. Martina Homma (General Editor, Bela Verlag Music Publisher, Cologne, Germany), Prof. Jeffrey Kallberg (Professor of Music at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.), Prof. Zygmunt Szweykowski (Professor of Musicology, Institute of Musicology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland; also Member of the Editorial Board, Musica Iagellonica), Prof. Adrian Thomas (Professor of Music, Cardiff University of Wales, U.K), Dr. Elzbieta Witkowska Zaremba (Associate Professor, Institute of Fine Arts, Polish Academy of Sciences; also Member of the Editorial Board of *Muzyka*, Warsaw, Poland).

For more information and guidelines for contributors visit the Journal's site.

The Editor may be reached at:

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Fourth European Music Analysis Conference: Call for Papers

Rotterdam's Conservatorium and the Dutch Society for Music Theory
Fourth European Music Analysis Conference


21-24 October 1999

The Fourth European Music Analysis Conference will be hosted by Rotterdams Conservatorium in conjunction with the Dutch Society for Music Theory, and will be held in Rotterdam from 21 to 24 October 1999. The Conference's theme - "Analysis in Europe Today" - will be explored in a number of analytical symposia, round-table discussions and other sessions. In addition, there will be an all-day plenary session "Analysis in Europe Today: The Different Traditions"; among other things, this will present the results of a European-wide survey on teaching practices and research activity in theory and analysis. Conference delegates will also be able to attend a number of concerts, including a performance by Irvin Arditti of Ligeti's Violin Concerto with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw. During the conference the International Gaudeamus Competition for young composers and performers of contemporary music will take place.

Proposals for papers are invited for the following sessions:

The Programme Committee also welcomes proposals in any area of music theory and analysis (Free Papers).

Individual papers, which should last no more than 20 minutes, should be delivered in English if possible, but French and German are also acceptable. Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be submitted on diskette or by e-mail to Patrick van Deurzen, Conference Director, at the address below, by 1 February 1999. Abstracts in languages other than English should be accompanied by an English translation if possible. The programme will be announced in July 1999. Further information can be obtained from: Patrick van Deurzen, Analysis in Europe Today Rotterdams Conservatorium Pieter de Hoochweg 222 3024 BJ ROTTERDAM HOLLAND Tel: +31 (0)10 213 3197 fax: +31 (0)10 413 1222 e-mail:

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New England Conference of Music Theorists: Call for Papers

New England Conference of Music Theorists Call for Papers

Fourteenth Annual Meeting March 27-28, 1999 (Sat.-Sun.)
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Gerald Zaritzky (New England Conservatory), President (
Janet Hander-Powers (Topsfield, Mass.), Secretary (
David Cohen (Harvard University), Treasurer (

Web site:

Peter Westergaard, Princeton University
Keynote Speaker

Featuring a recital, Saturday, March 27, at 8:30 p.m., by Richard Lalli, Yale School of Music, baritone Janet Schmalfeldt, Tufts University, pianist

Program Committee:

Michael Schiano (Hartt School of Music), Chair
Deborah Burton (Harvard University)
Hali Fieldman (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Gerald Zaritzky (New England Conservatory), ex officio

Proposal deadline: January 15, 1999

Proposals on all topics are invited from interested theorists, both members and non-members of the Conference, whether or not they have presented papers at NECMT in the past.

Particularly, papers on the music of Schubert and Schumann will be considered for a session to which performers Lalli and Schmalfeldt might informally respond.

Sessions provide 30 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion of each paper.This year, a prize, consisting of a set of Music Theory Spectrum issues, will be awarded for an outstanding student presentation.

All who wish to propose papers should send four copies of a three-to-five-page proposal and an abstract suitable for publication, by January 15, 1999, to the following address (a floppy disk of the abstract also should be provided in the mailing):

Janet Hander-Powers
NECMT Secretary
37 Mansion Drive
Topsfield, Mass. 01983-1109

Proposals are read blind; they should contain no identification of the author. With your proposal and abstract copies, please include a cover letter giving your name, address, phone, email, affiliation, the title of your proposal, and any special equipment or arrangements required.

Proposals of session topics may be sent, signed, directly to the Program Chair.


The New England Conference of Music Theorists is an organization serving the music theory community in New England and the surrounding areas. Your academic-year membership fee -- $15 professional / $7.50 student -- places you on our mailing list and admits you to our annual meeting. To join the conference or to renew your membership, please print out, complete, and mail this form.

Member name:
(please print)
Mailing address:
(please print)

ZIP+4 code:

work (      )
home (      )

E-mail address:

Academic affiliation:

Membership status:      Renewal (    )  New member (    )

Dues payment
$15 professional (    )
$7.50 student/emeritus (    )

Please make checks payable to NECMT

Mail the completed form with dues to:

Janet Hander-Powers
NECMT Secretary
37 Mansion Drive
Topsfield, Mass. 01983-1109

Fall, 1998

Dear Fellow Music Theorist:

Please join us in this fourteenth year of the New England Conference of Music Theorists!

With happy memories of the stimulating presentations, congenial interactions, and gracious accommodations of our thirteenth annual meeting last spring at the University of Connecticut, we are looking forward to gathering at our next annual meeting, March 27-28, 1999, at Harvard University, where we will be honored by the presence of Peter Westergaard, Princeton University, as keynote speaker, and by SMT President Janet Schmalfeldt, Tufts University, pianist, and her colleague, Richard Lalli, Yale School of Music, baritone, performing music of Schubert and Schumann (and responding to related papers).

Meeting arrangements chair David Cohen and his colleagues are organizing our visit, and program committee chair Michael Schiano and his committee are organizing the program. We hope many of you will propose papers for the meeting. (See our Call for Papers, above, and take note of its January 15th deadline.) Especially, we encourage student theorists to join and participate. We continue our practice of charging no separate fee for the meeting and again will offer arrangements for ride-sharing and home hospitality. So, except for lunch and a modest fee for our Saturday evening banquet--do plan to attend it!--your expenses should be low. Also, this year, through a generous gift from SMT (with special thanks to Cynthia Folio), we are able to offer a virtually-complete set of Music Theory Spectrum as a prize for an outstanding student presentation.

We are pleased to welcome to the executive committee our newly-elected secretary, Janet Hander-Powers. We thank the nominating committee for its services and particularly thank Lisa Cleveland, of St. Anselm College and U.Mass.-Lowell, for accepting co-nomination to the ballot. Our outgoing secretary, Hali Fieldman, has accepted an appointment as Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, starting in January. I know I speak for the membership when I express my special thanks to Hali for her many contributions to NECMT throughout her tenure here. We will miss her, and we wish her well!

The terms of president and treasurer expire this spring; nominations for successors are welcome and may be directed to the secretary or to the nominating committee chair, Allan Keiler ( Please note also the new email addresses for the secretary and president, above.

As you may by now know, our regional website is up and running, available by link from the SMT Regional Societies webpage, or directly at NECMT is most grateful to website development chair Edward Gollin, at Harvard University, for constructing and administering the site and to Harvard University for hosting it. The program, abstracts, and minutes from our March meeting can be viewed there, as well as current news and selected documents from our long and illustrious history. Please log on often, read the latest news and comments (maybe your own!), and let us know how else our website can serve you.

As always, we invite you to be in touch with us--especially those of you from areas currently under-represented in the conference. We hope still this year to contact many of you individually. Volunteers and suggestions for this and other activities are most welcome.

We look forward to seeing many of you this fall in Chapel Hill--and all of you this spring in Cambridge!

Sincerely yours,

Gerald Zaritzky, President
For the Executive Committee

P.O. Box 390082
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

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West Coast Conference of Music Theory

West Coast Conference of Music Theory
Annual Meeting

ANNOUNCING a Joint Meeting of The West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis (the 8th annual meeting of WCCMTA) and the Rocky Mountain Society for Music Theory

16-18 April 1999
at Stanford University

The program committee invites proposals for posters, short talks (15 minutes), or long talks (30 minutes) concerning any aspect of music theory. Proposals should be between one and two pages long and should indicate whether they are for a poster, 15-minute, or 30-minute presentation. Since proposals are to be reviewed blind, please list your title, name, and contact information separately; do not reveal your identity within the proposal itself.

Because this meeting is sponsored by The Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities (CCARH), The Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), and the Music Department of Stanford University, the Program Committee especially encourages proposals on the topic of computer applications.

Proposals should be mailed (postmarked by 15 Dec 1998) to

emailed (on or before 15 Dec 1998) to

or faxed (by 15 Dec 1998, ATTN Leigh VanHandel) to

Program Committee

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Organs, Organisms, Organisations: Organic Form in 19th-Century Discourse

University of Silesia
Institute of British and American Culture and Literature
41-205 Sosnowiec, Poland
tel./fax: +48 32 2917417

Call for papers

Conference: Cieszyn, Poland, May 27- 28 1999

The aim of the conference is to re-think the role and place of the notion of "organicity" in nineteenth-century discourse. The idea of evolution and the shift from the mechanical view of nature and the world to the organic one were also projected upon areas other than natural sciences. The view of organisms as beginning and ceasing to exist in time underwent a qualification in numerous social and

political theories as well as in other discursive practices of the epoch. For this reason we expect conference presentations to address the question of organicity in the 19th century from various methodological perspectives and approaches representing possibly the widest range of academic disciplines.

Please send titles of prospective presentations along with short abstracts (about 200 words) to:

Professor Tadeusz Sawek
University of Silesia
Bankowa 12
Katowice, Poland
(tel./fax: +48 32 2917417)
or by e-mail to professor Tadeusz Rachwa (

Deadline for the submission of conference presentations is January 31, 1999.

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Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science



Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science

JULY 30 - AUGUST 1, 1999

Suggested Topics:

The Conference publishes a refereed proceedings of presented papers. Papers accepted for publication should follow the proceedings format and be camera ready; however, for review they don't need to follow a set format. Interested authors must submit their papers by 1/15/99 for review. The authors will be notified of their papers' status and in case of acceptance will receive papers for revision by 3/15/99. Authors need to resubmit the papers in formatted, revised form by 5/2/99. In this step, the original clear figures and graphs should be submitted with the papers. If a presenter is not able to submit a paper for presentation, he or she may send an abstract (not more than 1 page) to be published in the Conference Proceedings . There is no reviewing process for abstracts. The deadline for abstracts is 4/23/99. There is a registration fee of $40.00 for each day or $100.00 for the entire conference plus $25.00 for a Proceedings. The 1998 Bridges Proceedings is available for purchase (Barnes & Noble, Phone: (316) 685-3600, Fax: (316) 685-7729).

Besides area motels, Southwestern College offers lodging and meals on campus. For participants who fly to Wichita (the closest airport to Winfield) and report their arrival and departure times in advance, there will be transportation available for the evening of July 29 and for the morning of August 2.

For more information (or if you want to add your e-mail to the mailing list) you may contact:

Professor Reza Sarhangi, Bridges
Southwestern College
100 College Street
Winfield, KS, 67156
E-mail:, (316) 221-8373
Home Page:

You may also contact the following Bridges Advisory Board members regarding the conference:



Reza Sarhangi, Ph.D.
Chair, Mathematics Department
Southwestern College
100 College Street
Winfield, KS 67156

Tel: (316) 221-8373
Fax: (316) 221-8224

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[1] Music Theory Online (MTO) as a whole is Copyright � 1998, all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is the owner of the journal. Copyrights for individual items published in MTO are held by their authors. Items appearing in MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or discussion, but may not be republished in any form, electronic or print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and advance notification of the editors of MTO.

[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online
It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.

Prepared by
Lee A. Rothfarb